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Diseases & Conditions : Health & Medical
Child Dyslexia - Non Language Related Symptoms in Child Dyslexia
It is important to point out that there are other symptoms that perhaps indicate dyslexia that are not related to language. Although dyslexia is primarily a disorder related to language, more broadly it can be seen as a struggle with processing different types of information. Associated factors incl
Natural PCOS Treatment --Do They Work?
Each and every year a good deal of women usually suffer polycystic ovary syndrome or more commonly referred to as PCOS which could have an effect on females as early as their particular teen years. ...
Can Exercise Actually Ease Migraine? Find Out The Truth
The connection between exercise and migraines is quixotic.Science says that exercise, by promoting the regular unharness of endorphins, the body’s natural pain controllers, should help ease the frequency and severity of migraines.Several migraineurs claim that their attacks are triggered by ph
Addict Group Counselling
Addict group counselling for addiction when combined with a 12 step recovery programme has been proven highly successful as an addiction treatment method.
Lymphedema Natural Treatment
Lymphedema is a disorder that disrupts the flow of lymphatic fluid in the lymphatic nodes and vessels, caused either due to injury or genetic inheritance. This causes the lymph fluid to stagnate in the tissue which results in the swelling of limbs. It is important that the lymphatic fluid is returne
Determining Whether A person Qualify for LASIK Attention Surgery
Anyone facing medical procedures for any reason is concerned regarding the risks; those going through LASIK eye surgical procedure are no different. The thought of having any sort of process done on their sight is ...
A Quick Look Into The Damaging Result Of Obesity
The Wide Ranging Unsafe Problems Due to Obesity It is rather common understanding that obesity is a dangerous condition for your general health. The annual cost is quite a few tens of billions of dollars ...
May Is Hepatitis Awareness Month
Were you aware that May is Hepatitis Awareness Month? Organizations like the American Liver Foundation would like to urge you to take a moment to learn about the disease this month. Then you can pass ...
Diagnosing Fibromyalgia: Tests Your Doctor Should Run in the Course of Your Treatment
Diagnosing Fibromyalgia is a diagnosis of exclusion. Find out what tests doctors should but often fail to run when diagnosing Fibromyalgia.
Low Fat Dessert, Meal Plan & Snack Recipes for Diabetes
Consuming A Sugar Free Diet Is An Effective Solution To Control Blood Sugar Levels.
How to Stop Dry Skin Around The Mouth - Learn How to Get Rid of Angular Cheilitis
Angular cheilitis is a very unpleasant skin condition that causes dry skin around the mouth.
Eat To Reduce Cholesterol
Fighting cholesterol is essential to achieve and maintain good health. The reduction of cholesterol in most cases, mobilizes support for the contract of drugs such as statins or natural cholesterol lo
What Are the Most Common Parasitic Worms?
A wide range of parasitic worms use the human body as their host. And while there are more than a thousand different types of these parasites that have been identified through extensive research, only a few are easily detected through common laboratory tests. Here are the most common types of parasi
Tackle Everything Relating To Asperger's Syndrome Through An Informational Websites
Asperger's syndrome will sometimes become a challenge to the lives of a ton of families. For some parents, though, it will be a blessing in disguise. At first look, it may appear that Asperger's syndrome ...
How to Cure a UTI - Treating UTI Using Chinese Traditional Medicine
Urinary tract infection, is a disease that frequently recurs, and some sufferers are already wary in the use of antibiotic as their UTI treatment. Hence, knowing how to cure a UTI using Chinese tradit
Lower Back Pain- The Core Is The Cure
If you have low back pain the cause is likely that you have little or no control over your stabiliser muscles- the multifidus and transversus abdominus muscles.
Plantar Fasciitis: Getting Relief
Plantar fasciitis is responsible for heel pain. In fact, it is one of the most commonly associated causes of the pain. This situation occurs due to the inflammation in the broad band of the heel ...
Simple Shoulder Pain Exercises Sorted Out My Rotator Cuff Tear in a Few Weeks
Simple Shoulder Pain Exercises stopped me from needing shoulder surgery and fixed my rotator cuff tear in just a few weeks.
Getting Acquainted With the Signs Symptoms of Fibromyalgia
There are various signs symptoms of fibromyalgia; some are physical while others are more physiological. This is a medical condition which is known most for its wide spreading pain which is mostly focused around certain points of the body.
Congestival Heart Disease
People know how important their heart is. This may be the reason why a lot seem to worry whenever they hear the words, heart problems. And one of these heart problems that people tend to be worried ab