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Alternative Medicine : Health & Medical

Alternative Medicine

Just as mainstream medicine has a fairly consistent approach to illness, so does al-ternative medicine. Most prevalent in alternative medicine are the six naturopathic principles. In one form or another, these principles are revisited again and again throughout Section Two of this text. The followin

Vitiligo A Skin Disorder With White Patches On The Skin

vitiligo is a skin disorder disease. this skin disease spread all over the peoples of the world. specially in United State of America. there are a great number of vitiligo patients. but vitiligo in USA is not a big issue. America is a very advance country every treatments of any disease is easilyava

Diabetes and Ayurveda - Herbs to Treat Diabetes

Diabetes the plague in today's world is not a disease, but a disorder that strikes the way your body utilizes food for power. Sugar in whatever quantity or form taken in is normally broken down ...

Alternative Treatment of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids can be treated at every stage. Many people who suffer from them find relief by means of home treatment. In case they have not succeeded to alleviate the symptoms, they usually undergo nons

Learn Simple And Powerful Tips On How To Increase Your Height

There are many people who have a burning desire to increase their height. They feel inferior to those who are taller and feel a little jealous of the people they must look up to. The man feels that the woman who has been on his mind will reject him because they stand eye to eye or because she is eve

How I Improved My Posture Using the Feldenkrais Method

The Feldenkrais Method has been used successfully to improve posture without excessive force or effort. Feldenkrais uses simple, gentle movements to reorganize posture, flexibility, strength and coord

Natural Recipes for Delaying Aging

Olderness It's good to know that one night too short to read first cheek: dark circles, a pale face, an expression of man departed. Lack of sleep not rejuvenated, never one. Instead, sleep is a ...

A Beginning to a Better You: The 12 Step Program

Once you begin a 12 step program, your battle with alcohol or addiction recovery is not over, and it is certainly not won. The program is merely the launch pad; you will have to travel ...

Journaling for Health

Can keeping a journal really make a difference to how well and easily you heal from physical ailments? Absolutely! This article describes how.

Low Cholesterol Diet - Prevent Heart Blockage

High cholesterol is invisible dangers which can cause severe damage to human body and to measure high cholesterol doctors examine the level of HDL, LDL and triglyceride levels in body. The bad cholesterol or the ...

Registration Began for Medicare EHR Incentive Program

The Medicare EHR incentive program begins registration January 3rd. e‐MDs, rated by physicians as the number #1 provider of electronic health records, is available to assist your hospital, clinic or m

Aloe Vera -A Powerful Natural Remedy

Aloe vera has rightly earned a spot as one of the most popular medicinal herbs around. Many health benefits will result from the addition of aloe to your diet and life. The juice of the ...

Heartburn Cure - Sometimes It's Hard to See The Picture

The heartburn answer may lie with breakfast. If you've come to the realization that antacids after every meal isn't for you, you may also be thinking that there should be a better alternative to heartburn. You're not alone, many heartburn sufferers have searched, and found the remedy