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Alternative Medicine : Health & Medical

EFT is Good For What Ails You - Try it on Everything

The Emotional Freedom Techniques, or EFT, is a form of "psychological acupressure" being used all over the world by physicians and laymen alike to help them - and their clients - overcome issues, fears, phobias, grief, and other emotional problems, as well a growing number of physical or m

Fighting Migraines in the Twenty-First Century.

Migraines are a debilitating condition that affects approximately twenty eight million Americans every year. While there has been no cure found for migraines, modern science allows us to narrow down the triggers of migraines. Coupling ...

Homeopathy - What Does it Have to Offer Mankind?

Many people know homeopathy by its eternal principle of "like cures like". It is the principle of nature and the remedy selection is thus based on it. People practicing homeopathy do not go or shall not go beyond this principle, otherwise they cannot cure the patient, but just suppress the

Stomach Ache - An Overview

There may be several factors leading to stomach ache, mainly due to something that you have consumed has not agreed to mix with your system. The stomach ache has plagued humanity for a long, long ...

What Exactly is Ozone Therapy?

What exactly is ozone therapy? It's when ozone is used to help cure medical problems. Many doctors and even biochemists believe that ozone will help heal many problems.

Is There Any Way To Tighten Up My Vagina Naturally?

Aabab Tablet is a natural product that is prescribed to any woman whose reproductive organ has lost its tensile nature because of the delivery of a child. There are many women who undergo this phase ...

Learning About Your Body

Express - diagnostic complex is a unique system, which gives information about the function of body's organs after just a couple of minutes. The basic principle of the Express - diagnostic is

What is Uric Acid? These Answers Might Surprise You!

You are watching your favorite game show on television when the big bonus question comes up. It is, drum roll please, a little quirky music, and finally the question is "What is uric acid?" Silence falls over the audience as the...

How to cure yeast infection? Yeast infection diet?

How to cure yeast infection? Yeast infection diet? - What exactly is a 'yeast infection'? Your body is hosting thousands of small bacteria, micro organisms and yeast. One of these is Candida Albicans. It generally ...

Lavender Oil for Relieving Inflammation and Pain

Lavender ( Lavendula augustifolia ) - Actions And Effects For Radiant Health! Universal Healer - Mother's Medicine. A universal healer, Lavender oil has broad application and may be beneficial for treating an assortment of wounds, as well as for relieving inflammatory conditions like fever blis