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Alternative Medicine : Health & Medical
Vinegar For Toenail Fungus Cure - Is it an Ideal Choice of Home Remedy?
People are of the view that treating bodily infections using home remedies is always safe and secure. Vinegar is the best choice for toenail fungus because of the absence of harmful side effects.
How to Do Hot Stone Massage
A hot stone massage consists of warm, smooth stones being placed on key points of the human body. Such a massage relaxes the muscles which helps calm the nervous system and improve circulation. Learn the basics of this ancient practice by reading the following steps.
Stomach Acid and Indigestion Cures - Try These Small Changes to Relieve Heartburn Quick!
Do you often get stomach acid and indigestion?This article will help you feel better.
A Model of Strategic Marketing Alliances for Healthcare Consulting
Strategic marketing alliances can be defined as relationships developed among organizations and individuals to enhance the competitive advantage of each.
How Come We Like Herbal Incense Potpourri?
Herbal Potpourri has been in use for a long time. The application of herbal incense goes back to native Indians who made use of incense within the tent of the chief. They said any time you breathe in the incense your soul escapes your body and is one with the great spirits.
Green Living Is Better For Your Wellness If You Use Green Medicine
Using green medicine to help you manage your health is a good idea even if you are not an advocate of green living. Green medicine uses your body's natural power to cure itself. Choosing make ...
Protruding Hemorrhoid - Hemorrhoids Itching - Hemorrhoid Itching
Protruding Hemorrhoid Hemorrhoids Itching Hemorrhoid Itching
Online Natural Heath Classes - How to Choose the Most Effective Ones
Online natural health classes have the potential to dramatically improve your natural health home prescribing skills. However, some are more effective than others. Here are some helpful tips for you to find the most effective.
The Neti Pot - an Appliance You Can Breathe Easy About!
If you've ever watched the Oprah show, I'll bet you've seen Dr. Oz discuss an appliance known as a Neti Pot. For those of you that are scratching your heads, let me explain. A Neti ...
Weight loss secret-Natural slimming 15-30 pounds immediately with Mezitang
Weight loss is a process that can create other problems to your health if you do not take it seriously.
What Do We Need to Know About Fei Yan Slimming Tea?
Fei yan slimming tea is a type of herbal tea that is touted to be an herbal remedy for obesity (or being overweight.) Fei yan slimming tea is supposed to speed up your bodily metabolism so that fat an
Strengthen Immunity Part II - How to Boost Your Immune System - With Nutritional Supplements
The immune system does a great job of keeping people healthy and preventing infections. However, sometimes problems with the immune system can lead to illnesses and infections. Nutritional supplements
How Herbal Male Fertility Supplements Cure Infertility In Men?
Leading a healthy lifestyle with nutritive diet and proper exercise is considered as the best solution for achieving good reproductive health. Today, infertility is one among the commonly reported problems in men. Causes for this ...
IV Chelation Therapy
IV chelation is a process that uses intravenous infusion to remove unwanted substances from the body. Patients receive IV's containing agents that bind with unwanted chemicals in the body and turn into chemical compounds the body can excrete.Alternative medicine practitioners, like Dr. Elmer
How to Stop Excessive Sweating
Sweating is our body's natural way of keeping cool and disposing waste matter. We may occasionally sweat in larger amounts when the surrounding temperature is warm, or when we get anxious or nervous.
Pilates for Rehabilitation- Does It Work?
Pilates method is widely practiced for both rehabilitation and fitness. Physical Therapists are recognizing Pilates as one of the most successful methods to treat many injuries, spinal disorders and j
Head Lice Removal Made Easy
Effective lice removal is easy when the family works as a team to put an end to the bothersome problem. Before you pop off to the pharmacy to spend money on commercial brand over the counter products,
How To Cure Psoriasis Genital
This article defines psoriasis and details the lifetime natural treatment for psoriasis.
The Health and Wellness Advantages of Legal Pot
Among the extremely popular topics which have brought on significantly heated discussions is the problem about the legitimacy of marijuana. Legitimate marijuana is medicinal marijuana. However there a
Updated Crystal Therapy
Crystal healing and therapy has come under alot of scrutiny of late.The conclusion of the scientific community is that it is pure quackery.Yet millions who've tried it say that it works well for them.