The Neti Pot - an Appliance You Can Breathe Easy About!
If you've ever watched the Oprah show, I'll bet you've seen Dr. Oz discuss an appliance known as a Neti Pot.
For those of you that are scratching your heads, let me explain.
A Neti Pot is a common appliance that is used extensively in the Indian sub-continent. It is used as part of a process known as nasal irrigation, a technique for cleaning the sinuses, thereby making breathing much easier.
Nasal irrigation is part of an ancient system of medicine that is known as Ayurvedic medicine. This technique is called Jala neti in India, and literally translates to nasal cleansing in Sanskrit.
Although these devices come in a number of shapes, the most common one resembles the lamp that was used by Aladdin in the Middle-Eastern story, "The Book of One Thousand and One Nights (Arabian Nights)."
Even though this technique originated in India, people now use it worldwide to keep their sinuses clean and to make breathing easier and freer. For most people, once they have tried it, they find it to be a soothing and pleasant activity.
The process of nasal irritation consists of three stages.
Before you begin, fill your Neti Pot with a warm, saline solution.
Next, lean over the sink with your head tilted sideways so that the chin and forehead are even with one another. Now insert the spout of your pot snugly into the upper nostril allowing the water to flow into it through the nasal passages, and out of the lower nostril.
Make sure that you breathe deeply through your mouth. This ensures that the water flows from one nostril to the other. When your pot is empty, refill it and repeat the process on the other side.
Beginners should stick with stage one for the first few weeks until they become more comfortable with the procedure.
Since stage two cleans the deeper areas of the sinus cavity, it should only be done after completion of stage one.
In this stage, you gently sniff the water into one nostril and out through the mouth. It is important not to swallow the water so it would be a good idea to have someone knowledgeable in nasal irrigation supervising as you learn to do this.
As with stage one, when your pot is empty, refill it and repeat the process in the other nostril. Before beginning stage three, you should make sure you have completed stages one and two.
With stage three, water is taken into the mouth and out through the nose. Very few individuals know how to perform this step and experience only minor improvements over the benefits of stage two.
After completing stage three, it is important to eliminate any excess water in the nose by either blowing the nose, or breathing quick breaths out in rapid succession. You should not close one nostril while doing this as you may force water into areas that do not dry easily.
Upon completion of nasal irrigation, you should thoroughly clean your Neti Pot.
In the United States, sinus problems are the number one reason individuals visit a doctor. With increasing levels of pollutants in our environment, we see a huge rise in the number of individuals experiencing respiratory difficulties.
Practitioners of alternative medicine recommend performing nasal irrigation on a regular basis. Using a Neti Pot is a safe way to remove foreign irritants from the nasal cavity. For those suffering from allergy or sinus problems, it just might provide welcome relief from the symptoms associated with those conditions.
Who 'nose'?
For those of you that are scratching your heads, let me explain.
A Neti Pot is a common appliance that is used extensively in the Indian sub-continent. It is used as part of a process known as nasal irrigation, a technique for cleaning the sinuses, thereby making breathing much easier.
Nasal irrigation is part of an ancient system of medicine that is known as Ayurvedic medicine. This technique is called Jala neti in India, and literally translates to nasal cleansing in Sanskrit.
Although these devices come in a number of shapes, the most common one resembles the lamp that was used by Aladdin in the Middle-Eastern story, "The Book of One Thousand and One Nights (Arabian Nights)."
Even though this technique originated in India, people now use it worldwide to keep their sinuses clean and to make breathing easier and freer. For most people, once they have tried it, they find it to be a soothing and pleasant activity.
The process of nasal irritation consists of three stages.
Before you begin, fill your Neti Pot with a warm, saline solution.
Next, lean over the sink with your head tilted sideways so that the chin and forehead are even with one another. Now insert the spout of your pot snugly into the upper nostril allowing the water to flow into it through the nasal passages, and out of the lower nostril.
Make sure that you breathe deeply through your mouth. This ensures that the water flows from one nostril to the other. When your pot is empty, refill it and repeat the process on the other side.
Beginners should stick with stage one for the first few weeks until they become more comfortable with the procedure.
Since stage two cleans the deeper areas of the sinus cavity, it should only be done after completion of stage one.
In this stage, you gently sniff the water into one nostril and out through the mouth. It is important not to swallow the water so it would be a good idea to have someone knowledgeable in nasal irrigation supervising as you learn to do this.
As with stage one, when your pot is empty, refill it and repeat the process in the other nostril. Before beginning stage three, you should make sure you have completed stages one and two.
With stage three, water is taken into the mouth and out through the nose. Very few individuals know how to perform this step and experience only minor improvements over the benefits of stage two.
After completing stage three, it is important to eliminate any excess water in the nose by either blowing the nose, or breathing quick breaths out in rapid succession. You should not close one nostril while doing this as you may force water into areas that do not dry easily.
Upon completion of nasal irrigation, you should thoroughly clean your Neti Pot.
In the United States, sinus problems are the number one reason individuals visit a doctor. With increasing levels of pollutants in our environment, we see a huge rise in the number of individuals experiencing respiratory difficulties.
Practitioners of alternative medicine recommend performing nasal irrigation on a regular basis. Using a Neti Pot is a safe way to remove foreign irritants from the nasal cavity. For those suffering from allergy or sinus problems, it just might provide welcome relief from the symptoms associated with those conditions.
Who 'nose'?