How I Improved My Posture Using the Feldenkrais Method
My posture never concerned me until I was around 30 years old. All of a sudden I noticed my head position had moved forward and my shoulders were rounding. I had backaches sometimes, too. Especially after work, or sitting at the computer. All this despite the fact I considered myself an athlete. I surfed all the time and played golf and basketball often. What was going on? I was slouching and I couldn't fix it with weights or sports.
I started to explore. My poor posture had to have a reason. I had courses of physical therapy, chiropractic, massage, Rolfing, even the Egoscue Method. My posture improved somewhat but not to the potential I felt I could get.
Feeling skeptical, I saw a Feldenkrais practitioner. From him, I found out I had a biomechanical problem contributing to my posture despite all the treatments I had tried. For example, my spine was stiff and my pelvis was immobile. Feldenkrais therapy was able to achieve greater flexibility and ease of movement in both my back and hips than anything I had tried. My posture improved with each table and floor lesson. After a couple of months I felt and looked great: I finally had good posture. I looked 10 years younger. And felt 10 years younger. I was so impressed. I now also had a great way to maintain my good posture.
So what is good posture? Good posture has many definitions, but the most useful definition involves efficiency: do we carry ourselves in such a way that all of our actions are easy and effortless, with grace and poise? Or do some of our actions feel clumsy or cause pain? Do we stand upright and move easily in an elegant equilibrium? Perhaps you can skip the mistakes I made and head directly for the Feldenkrais Method should you feel that your posture could improve.
The Feldenkrais Method has been used successfully to improve posture without excessive force or effort. Feldenkrais uses simple, gentle movements to reorganize posture, flexibility, strength and coordination. Based upon the neurological processes by which we learn movement skills, Feldenkrais is a novel approach to correcting posture, harnessing the power of the brain to help the body function more efficiently. More efficient use of self creates environments within which poor posture can improve. Let the Feldenkrais Center help you to have the great posture and elegant gait you've always wanted and deserve.
I started to explore. My poor posture had to have a reason. I had courses of physical therapy, chiropractic, massage, Rolfing, even the Egoscue Method. My posture improved somewhat but not to the potential I felt I could get.
Feeling skeptical, I saw a Feldenkrais practitioner. From him, I found out I had a biomechanical problem contributing to my posture despite all the treatments I had tried. For example, my spine was stiff and my pelvis was immobile. Feldenkrais therapy was able to achieve greater flexibility and ease of movement in both my back and hips than anything I had tried. My posture improved with each table and floor lesson. After a couple of months I felt and looked great: I finally had good posture. I looked 10 years younger. And felt 10 years younger. I was so impressed. I now also had a great way to maintain my good posture.
So what is good posture? Good posture has many definitions, but the most useful definition involves efficiency: do we carry ourselves in such a way that all of our actions are easy and effortless, with grace and poise? Or do some of our actions feel clumsy or cause pain? Do we stand upright and move easily in an elegant equilibrium? Perhaps you can skip the mistakes I made and head directly for the Feldenkrais Method should you feel that your posture could improve.
The Feldenkrais Method has been used successfully to improve posture without excessive force or effort. Feldenkrais uses simple, gentle movements to reorganize posture, flexibility, strength and coordination. Based upon the neurological processes by which we learn movement skills, Feldenkrais is a novel approach to correcting posture, harnessing the power of the brain to help the body function more efficiently. More efficient use of self creates environments within which poor posture can improve. Let the Feldenkrais Center help you to have the great posture and elegant gait you've always wanted and deserve.