Algae Control In A Home Aquarium

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Gardening : Home & Garden

How to Care for an Alyogyne Plant

A native of Australia, plants in the Alyogyne family are flowering shrubs that resemble hibiscus. This drought-loving, frost-tender shrub is ideal for warm climates and grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 to 11. Alyogyne species are popular as landscape plants for their p

Mode of Action of Herbicides

Herbicides kill unwanted plants and weeds to save space for crops or garden plants. They work by interfering with vital processes in the plant.

How to Create a Homeowner's Association

Homeowners Associations (HOA) are common in suburban developments and condominium complexes. The HOA is often responsible for maintaining common areas of the neighborhood, such as playgrounds and entrances. It typically sets rules governing what residents can and can't do, and might also hold neighb

Indoor Gardening: How to Easily Set Up An Automatic Indoor Garden

The AeroGarden is the new "space-age" technology indoor gardening method. Plants in the AeroGarden grow up to 5 times faster than plants in the dirt and soil. They are grown using aeroponic and hydroponic methods. The AeroGarden is your solution to gardening.

Good Plants for Winter

Many evergreen shrubs are excellent winter plants.Holly shrub. image by LiteWave from Fotolia.comWinter plants are shrubs, bushes and trees that survive well during the winter months. Which winter plants are best for you depends on your climate zone, although boxwood shrubs and many other...

Garden Tips 6

This is a great time to get other things done in the garden apart from looking after the remaining plants and tending to the lawn. This is the perfect time to do your maintenance on your garden sheds and fences.

Southern California Desert Plants

Southern California's desert has given rise to unusual plants, such as the Mojave yucca.flaming mohave yucca image by Brenton W Cooper from Fotolia.comThe dry heat of Southern California's desert region may make it an unlikely place for plants, but the tough conditions have given rise to...

How to Grow a Trailing Verbena

Trailing verbena is a hardy perennial in the United States Department of Agriculture zones 9 thought 11. For people living in zones 3 through 8, this plant is grown in gardens as an annual. Trailing verbena is grown as a groundcover or as a border plant, or they can be grown in containers. Depending

5 Vegetables That Thrive in Containers

5 Vegetables That Thrive in Containers Almost all vegetables can be grown in containers depending on your initiatives and favorable climate for the kind of vegetables you want to plant. Although container vegetables are easy ...

Fences for Yards & Gardens

A home is often your most valuable asset. Placing a fence around your yard or garden can help you enjoy your investment while adding beauty and value to it as well.

Companion Planting for Pole Beans & Kale

According to Louise Riotte, author of "Carrots Love Tomatoes," some plants help one another thrive. When planted in close proximity, these plants may repel insects, produce mutually beneficial chemicals or share nutrients.

The Perfect Guide to Flower Gardens

There are various styles of garden to choose from, although there are no definitive rules and there is no reason why gardeners should not choose a mixture of designs. Having said that, there are a ...

The Keys to a Healthy Lawn

If you're having trouble keeping your lawn looking healthy and green check out this article.Its 5 simple steps that will help your lawn, be the best lawn in the neighborhood.

The Benefits Of DIY Hydroponics

There are many reasons why you should try hydroponic gardening. It's a wonderful hobby and you could cash in. Here are some reasons to grow your own hydroponic fruit and vegetables.