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Gardening : Home & Garden
The Top Lawn Decoration Is Lawn Gnomes
Many individuals enjoy flower gardens and enjoy accessorizing them using beautiful and interesting lawn decorations. One of the most expressive ornaments are garden gnomes.
What is the Procedure for Deadheading a Bee Balm Plant?
Many people don't realize that bee balm, from the genus Monarda, is a perennial herb with many uses. Keeping bee balm healthy will give you beautiful blooms year after year of varying shades of red, pink and lavender. Deadheading bee balm is not necessary, but will make your plants bush
3Landscaping Philadelphia Mistakes You Can Avoid Before Its Too Late! Landscaping Philadelphia-Find out how to find the best Philadelphia landscaping professional for your needs. Finding Philadelphia landscapers now made easy in this FREE buyers guide. Get the guide now!
Hydroponics Growing Methods Explained by Hydroterra
Growing plants indoors by the use of hydroponics has many advantages one of the most important features is the control of ambient conditions allowing the grower to receive a larger than usual plant yi
Aquaponics System: The Fascinating New Way of Growing Food with Fish
Learn about Aquaponics, the system of growing fish and food collectively. It is actually a hydroponic method using fish tanks with hydroponic growing system.
5 Points to Consider When Buying Grass
The specific type of grass chosen is certain to have a significant impact on the long-term quality and health of the lawn and amount of time needed to maintain it. By carefully planning the installation of the lawn in the beginning, you will put yourself in a better position to enjoy a green and lus
Your Guide to Harvesting and Storing Garlic
When garlic plants start to die back, it's time to harvest. Here's how to be sure your garlic is ready to dig and how to dry and store it for keeping.
Deer-Resistant Annuals and Perennials
Deer eat vegetation, and when sufficient quantities are unavailable in their natural habitat, your garden becomes their food source. The use of deer-resistant plants has become commonplace in areas where deer tend to present a problem. Deer-resistant plants are not deer-proof plants. No plant is dee
Callicarpa Americana - American Beauty Berry
One of my very favorite plants of all is the American Beautyberry. One of the showiest of all native plants, Callicarpa americana, displays vibrant purple berry clusters all along the stems at a time when few plants are blooming in the garden.
How to Calculate Gallons Per Minute in Soaker Hoses
Successful gardening requires a delicate balance of water and nutrients. This can be disrupted when using sprinklers because water evaporates and spray is difficult to control. Soaker hoses are hooked up to your faucet and buried along the plants you need to water. The water is deposited directly in
Growing Fresh Herbs and Plants
For novice gardeners, starting an herb or plant garden poses intimidating steps, from deciding what to plant to nurturing the plants for a bountiful harvest. Gardening doesn't need to be intimidating, since the rewards -- like a restful patio garden o garden-fresh herbs for cooking -- far outweigh t
Grow indoors with a hydroponics grow box
Growing with hydroponics grow boxesA hydroponics grow box makes it very easy to have a year-round garden right in your own home or apartment building. A hydroponics grow box is essentially various pie
Gardening Guide for Beginners
Gardening is a very fulfilling exercise and also it is a good form of physical exercise. People who once start gardening usually enjoy it for a lifetime.
How to keep aphids off of your plants
Got aphids? [] Aphids are one of the most common destructive insects around. It would be safe to say that most gardeners have encountered aphids at one time or another. Aphids are small, soft-bodied insects ...
The Disappointing Watermelon
Last spring I attempted to grow a watermelon plant. I had really taken a liking to gardening, and I wanted to grow something a bit more rewarding: something I could eat. I am not a huge watermelon fan, but I remembered my roommate telling me that they were easy plants to grow, so I decided it would
Phone Spoof Guidelines Free Phone Spoofing
The caller ID spoof card can be valuable for both pranksters and business people. We all can benefit from the privacy and identity protection from a Caller ID spoofer. The spoof card can also be used"
Greenhouses And Grow Lights
Getting a greenhouse started takes a lot more than just a structure with plants stored inside. Besides shielding them from the elements outside during the colder months, a good greenhouse should be outfitted to provide ...
Hiring The Right Landscaper For Your Next Landscaping Project
A considerable share of the charm that any home exudes depends on the landscape features it exhibits. A superior landscaping gives that extra edge to any residence or office by creating the right aura. But neither do good things come for free nor can we deny the necessity of professional interventio
The Pond Plants Safe for Ducks
Ducks feed on a wide variety of foods in ponds including many types of aquatic plants. Duckweed, pondweeds and several common submergent and floating pond plants are staple foods for ducks, according to the Virginia Cooperative Extension. A well-planted pond with several different species of aquatic
Ornamental Fence Parts
Ornamental fences consist of panels, posts, gates and fasteners, with optional accessories.fence on wall image by Alexander Zhiltsov from Fotolia.comAn ornamental fence provides a decorative finish to yards and landscapes. It can help direct traffic to entry points as well as deter...