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Gardening : Home & Garden
Michael J. Landscaping - Bay Shore Landscaping
This Article is to enlighten readers of proper ways to care for a lawns, gardens, and everything having to do with either.
Neem Oil and Organic Gardening
Neem oil is an excellent alternative to pesticides in organic gardens. It is made from neem trees which are in the mahogany family. It is native to India where it is widely used for a number of purposes, most of which are agricultural. It is a natural way to rid the garden of harmful insects, but it
Water and Your Hydroponic System
The "hydro" in hydroponic system of course stands for the presence of water in place of (all or in part) of soil as a means to which to deliver nutrients to your plants and expedite growth. Understanding how water migrates through a hydroponic system and being able to monitor its cleanline
Wooden You Like to Know? A Primer to Wood Outdoor Furnishings
To many people, wood is the quintessential building material for furniture, both indoor and out. There's a wooden furniture form to suit every budget and dcor -- from rustic twig loveseats to classi...
Enjoy summers by doing swimming in a pool surrounded by fence
Therefore in order to avoid these uncertainties or misfortunes one must make sure to construct pool fence around the swimming pool. Moreover one can find wide variety in pool fencing materials.
Plant Care for Lillies
The lily is one of the most popular and widely planted perennial plants. Lilies come in a wide array of varieties, some very colorful and fragrant, that bloom in the summer and fall. Taking care of lilies does not require a lot of work while the cuttings one gets make any work well worth the reward.
Prepare Your Yard For Winter
As fall progresses and temperatures drop, it’s time to get your yard ready for winter. It may seem like all activity has stopped in the garden, but a lot is still going on underneath the soil until it freezes. The following are some steps to take to get your yard through the winter and ready f
Garden Weed Control - How Best to Deal With Oxalis
There are uglier garden weeds than Wood Sorrel, (Oxalis) but not many as difficult to treat. Within a bed of ground cover plants for example, it can be disastrous.
Daylily "Red Hot Returns"
Description and planting and care instructions for daylily 'Red Hot Returns,' the first full size repeat-blooming red daylily that is hardy in the north.
Door Canopy: Provides Shelter, Convenience and Beauty to Your Doors
You can transform a plain and dull looking front entrance door by decorating it with a door canopy. A canopy on top of your entrance door can enhance the beauty and look of your existing door. It can
Gardening: Get All Planting Needs At Plant Nursery
All people like to see a bit of greenery at different corners and love to spend most of their time in the garden. Most of the individuals cannot afford to possess a garden encompassing their house however you'll simply flip the small corners of your house into a heaven of peace. You'll sim
Ornamental Kale 'Glamour Red' - AAS 2011 Cool Season Bedding Plant Award Winner
Information on Ornamental Kale 'Glamour Red' F1- 2011 AAS Cool Season Bedding Plant Award Winner
Log cabins are a necessity for your garden
There are two ways to plan for a log cabin in your garden. The first would be to go with the standard sized cabin which is built with all of the standard measurements of the building materials. The se
How to Burrow in a Plant Pot
Burrowing is the act of displacing dirt to make room for another object such as seed or plant roots. In order to grow plants in a traditional pot, a space must be burrowed in the dirt for the placement and support of the plant. Once a plant is inserted into a pot, planter or container, it can be tra
Ten Tips to Spice Up Your Outdoor Spaces
Everyone wants a beautifully landscaped yard but no one seems to know where to start. Here are ten tips to get you started with your dream backyard.
Tall Plants for Borders
Tall plants are best used to provide a backdrop to image by cherie from Fotolia.comMany homeowners seek tall plants for their flower bed borders. They can provide shade for less tolerant species of plants and prevent flowerbed soil erosion. In many cases, gardeners look...
About Jalapeno Peppers
The jalapeño pepper is perhaps one of the most famous peppers of them all. It boasts a dark green skin and is usually 2 to 3 and a half inches in length when ripe. A single jalapeño plant will traditionally produce 25 to 30 peppers. The peppers start off green, but become red if left for t
Compost Tumbler - 3 Reasons Compost Tumblers Are the Superior Compost Bin
If you have access to a yard, you should consider composting. It is one of the easiest ways to go green. By composting you are diverting some of your kitchen scraps (not meat or dairy or fats) from the waste stream, and are creating a nutritious and healthy soil amendment for free and with little ef
NW Deer Resistant Plants
Yew shrubs are poisonous and considered deer resistant.Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty ImagesVery few plants are truly deer proof, according to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. This is because if a deer is starving, it will approach any plant to see if it's edible. It can also cause...
Organic Garden Compost and Alfalfa
Growing an organic garden is best accomplished by adding composted organic materials to the soil before and after planting to add minerals to the soil that are essential for plant growth. Nitrogen is one of these minerals and one that can easily become depleted.