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Gardening : Home & Garden
How to Kill Redwood
The process of girdling will kill a redwood tree. When you girdle a tree, you strip off a section of bark around it. This prevents the tree from taking in nutrients which, in turn, causes the tree to die. Before you kill your redwood, check with local authorities to determine if you are allowed to d
Using A Weed Killer Phoenix
There are many ways developed to address the need of those who really wants to get the problem solved. There are natural methods for those who wish to use something that is safer. Some would involve the use of chemicals called herbicides that are effective in killing weeds that have somehow appeared
Requirements For Planning a Raised Bed Vegetable Garden
If you are planning a raised bed vegetable garden, you will need to keep a few things in mind in order to get the best results. Here are six easy tips to remember when planning your very own raised bed vegetable garden.
Hire Landscape Architects for Best Decking and Garden Care in Melbourne
Whether it is about decorating the interior of the house or the exterior spaces like garden area, patios and decks, a sense of aesthetic beauty is always required. Even if it is just a decking ...
Gardening Tips - How to Build and Maintain A Garden
A garden adds beauty to the surroundings with its colorful treasure of trees, plants, flowers, butterflies, fruits and more. Gardening is an infinitely pleasurable exercise and a hobby for some. If you have enough space ...
Tips And Suggestions On Indoor Gardening Light.
Plants, flowers, vegetables or herbs cannot live without light and warmth due to which reason they do so well in the spring and summer when they have both in abundance. When you have an indoor ...
Care Instructions for Silestone
Silestone is a stone product made with quartz that delivers a nonporous surface which resists stains and scratches. Typical uses include countertops, backsplashes, shower walls, tub surrounds and flooring. Silestone surfaces offer beauty, durability, low maintenance and easy cleaning. Unlike other s
How to Remove Tubing From a Barbed Fitting
Tubing over barbed fittings can be found in a number of low-pressure automotive and plumbing applications. The fitting, usually made of brass, has barbs that the tubing slides over. A clamp tightens over the tubing to hold it fast to the barbed fitting. The clamp keeps the tubing from blowing off th
Houseplants That Need No Sun
Rubber plants are one household plant that does not need sun.Chris Stein/Digital Vision/Getty ImagesIncorporate houseplants in your interior landscape for a quick and low-maintenance means of adding natural color and form. Different types of foliage and flowering plants not only spruce up...
How to Clone Plants
Learning how to clone plants sounds more intimidating than it is. Cloning entails creating a genetic copy of an organism - either a plant or animal. The word "cloning" itself is derived from the Greek for "twig" or "branch," and in the context of cloning plants, that la
Gardening Jobs for February
February is the time of year, when the mornings are frosty, the grass crunchy and either a low hung sun, or miserable grey day can be assured.But there are dozens of jobs in the garden to do. Finish pruning deciduous trees - Most deciduous trees are best pruned when dormant, in late autumn or winter
Composting Do's And Don'ts
Though all organic matter can be broken down naturally, some materials are just not suitable for the home compost pile.
J' ai Besoin D'un Slective Desherbant Ou Pas?
Si votre problème est que les mauvaises herbes ou des plantes indésirables dans votre jardin, le desherbage est la solution évidente. De nombreuses entreprises de fabrication d'herbicides et ils viennent dans différentes formes.
5 Simple Backyard Landscaping Tips
Want to turn your backyard into one of the best features of your home? Go ahead and use these five simple landscaping tips to get you started!
Garden gyms are something awesome to own
Rather than trying for professional gym with very heavy equipment a simple and cost effective garden gyms with minimal set of equipments would be good for individual requirements. Having the gym setup
Most Popular Hedge Plants for Your Garden
Hedge plants are very versatile and they can serve many purposes. They are primarily used to create a natural hedge around the house. They can serve as partitions and barriers for privacy. Some hedge plants are also used for ornamental purposes.
How to Build a Garden Pergola
Pergolas are garden structures consisting of a passageway of columns that support overhead cross-beams or a lattice. Pergolas create shade and support plants. They can support grapevines, climbing flowers such as clematis or roses and hanging baskets. Pergolas are made from many different materials
Uses for Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer
Ammonium nitrate fertilizer is used to increase nitrogen levels in soil. Nitrogen is one of the 16 chemicals necessary for plant growth. The amount of nitrogen necessary varies with the species of plant. A number of nitrogen-specific fertilizers exist. Landowners commonly use the type or formula tha