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Gardening : Home & Garden
When to Plant Seeds Indoors for a Vegetable Garden
Many home vegetable gardeners choose to plant their seeds indoors before transplanting them into the main vegetable garden. This has several advantages. Not only does it allow early planting, and therefore an earlier harvest, but it also increases the likelihood that certain crops will be a success.
LED Flood Lighting Packages Save You Money
It is quite amazing that, what used to be just a tiny, insignificant, red, yellow, or green LED diode, is now rapidly becoming the main source of affordable lighting in the automotive industry, in hom
Simple Flower Growth by Stages
Flowers, like all plants, have a specific growth cycle that can be marked by stages. A flower's life cycle is dependent on its reaching all of these stages and remaining healthy as it grows. By understanding simple flower growth by stages, gardeners can be prepared to give their flowers the support
Interesting Information About Japanese Knotweed Eradication
Learning all you can about taking care of your lawn and garden can help to make your yard work easier and more interesting. Whether you are a gardening enthusiast or just a homeowner trying to ...
How to Use Chicken Manure in Your Garden For Fertilizer
Growing up in Central Florida, I was fortunate to have good year-round growing conditions. My grandparents were avid gardeners, and I remember the big jar painted white sitting on the counter to collect food for the compost pile. Once it was filled, my granddad would take it out to the compost bin a
How to Take Care of a Sempvivum Plant
Sempervivum is a group of hardy succulents characterized by their rosette leaf patterns and colorful summertime florets. They propagate through offsets that grow around the main plant, giving them the common name "Hens and Chicks." Sempervivum, like most cacti and succulents, require little care and
Going for carpet cleaning service in Las Vegas
Hiring the services of professional carpet cleaning companies will be quite helpful to clean your carpet in an effective way. There are many such service providers in Las Vegas. Do some amount of rese
Urban Organic Vegetable Gardening
Organic vegetable gardening is possible in an urban setup using containers. Having an organic vegetable garden right in your apartment has several advantages enumerated in this article. Lastly, if you do well in growing your own, you might even have some excess to sell to your neighbors or even star
Landscape Services: Getting To Know Your Lawn On A Budget
Sometimes I admit I am envious of those in our neighborhood who can swing landscape services for their home.
Water - How Plant Life Is Involved In The Hydrologic Cycle
The water cycle is the constant movement of water that occurs above and below the earths surface, and has no starting point or end. It is a process that includes an existing water source, the atmosphere, solar radiation, evaporation, transpiration, precipitation, percolation and runoff.
How to Care for Sick Plants
Having house plants can make you feel a little closer to the outdoors while you bask in the comfort of your home. Keeping your house plants healthy is important, though, or they may detract from your home instead of adding an attractive green touch. Garden plants can also fall ill and create an eyes
Repairing Your Lawn
Many lawns receive a lot of wear, especially during the summer months. Fortunately, the autumn is an ideal time to make repairs. Use the following techniques to tackle humps and hollows, badly draining soil, bare patches, broken edges and areas that are simply worn out. When an uneven lawn is cut th
Home Vegetable Gardening - Growing Chives
This smallest member of the onion family is an herb that you can easily add to your home vegetable garden. Follow these steps and you will be well under way to add some fresh chives to that sour cream topped potato.
Special Tips For Lawn Care
Even though winter is here, some of you are looking to spring and all that comes with it. That is why you need some tips to make sure you keep that lawn as great as it can be. Here are some of those lawn care tips which you should know about.
How to Locate a Caterpillar
If you want to raise an adult butterfly or moth, you will first need to locate a caterpillar. This can be tricky, because caterpillars camouflage themselves with plants and flowers, and most caterpillars are small. But if you know where to look, you will increase your chances of locating one. Start
Keep Your Patio and Driveway Looking Like New This Summer!
Judging by the 25 degree+ temperatures, it is almost safe to say that the summer of 2013 has officially landed. Wimbledon has passed for another year - with a Brit winning the men's singles for ...
Which Greenhouse Building Do You Need For Your Greenhouse Project
In the past it was assumed that all greenhouses were massive glass and metal structures that required a great deal of space, and care to keep them in good working order. Today's selection of available ...
Making Compost - Remember the Number Three
For quick compost the number to remember is three. There was a joke in the old Peanuts comics where Peppermint Patty would be falling asleep in class. Abruptly she would wake as the teacher called her name and shout, " Three, the answer is three!" If the question dealt with quick compostin