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Conflict : Family & Relationships

I'm Still in Love - My Ex May Not Be

Did your partner just break up with you? It's easy to still feel in love in such a situation, since you probably didn't see the breakup coming. But does your partner still feel the same way towards you? It's hard to tell, since common logic would say that since they broke up with you,

Three Ways to Win Back Love

If you really want to win back an ex, then there are some basic rules of maturity that you should consider. To win back a lost love, you may need to do a little growing up! As harsh as that may sound, please consider it.

Signs of a Violent Spouse

While it may seem like it would be easy to spot a violent spouse, sometimes the warning signs are subtle and difficult to detect at first. Some abusers don't reveal their true colors except in certain situations, and sometimes not until two people are already deeply invested in a relationship. You s

Admire Him and Get Your Husband Back

How to become the most important person in your man's life. Use his needs to your advantage and get back whats yours. The consequences for not using what you know will cause him to move on.

Try the Basics Right Now to Get Back With Your Ex

Communicating and Listening has to be the hardest part to get right in a relationship. And they both are critical for a life long bond with your partner. Come and read about the basics before it's too late!

Do You Feel "Manipulated?"

There is little worse than suddenly discovering 'in the moment' that you're being "manipulated."In theory, manipulation means many things, and not necessarily all of these are bad.But when you get that impression, what springs up in the mind is a whole lot of self-talk about

How to Win Back Your Girlfriend With 3 Revealing Tips

It's been weeks since the breakup and your heart is still in a million pieces. But you don't want those pieces back; you want her. If you don't know how to win back your girlfriend, here are some tips that would help.

How to Detach Yourself From Your Ex Girlfriend

When there are feelings involved, it can be quite difficult to try and detach yourself from someone. Detaching yourself from a woman who just happens to now be your ex girlfriend is probably one of th

Can I Make Him Love Me Again? 4 Things You Should Try to Avoid

"Can I convince him to love me again?" Simple as this question may be, many women ask this because they realized that the love of their lives can actually leave their lives for good. As more and more relationships suffer due to many issues, couples constantly ask more and more questions ab

How to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back - Even If You're the Only One Trying

Do you wish you could get your ex girlfriend back but feel stuck and not sure what to do next?Unfortunately, your well intentioned efforts to win her back are probably backfiring... and pushing her further away.The following advice can help you turn things around so you can get her back in your arms

How to Handle a Breakup - What to Do Next?

You never expected things to turn out the way they have done. This is a fairly common scenario that you would expect.You can take advantage of this fact when you want to know how to handle a breakup. Take the following measures to help you achieve your desire.

How to Win Your Ex Back - Be Naughty, Not Nice

Do you want to win your ex back? I have first hand experience a few times in my life in what I am going to tell you, and I guarantee it works. When you ignore your ex and go on with your life, they return.

What Are the Key Signs of Cheating in a Relationship?

Let's cover several possible Signs of Cheating in a Relationship. If your spouse is working later, suddenly has a greater number of meetings and functions to attend, or spends more time with friends, then prepare to be concerned.

How to Get Her Back - Three Tactics to Keep in Mind on Winning Her Back

You often ask of the best ways on how to get her back in the sweetest, shortest time possible.You ask your friends and family how they achieved happy reunions after sad breakups, you get many ideas and suggestions, and you end up being confused than ever.With these three sure-fire tactics, confused