How to Win Your Ex Back - Be Naughty, Not Nice
When you ignore your ex and go on with your life, they return.
If you want to win your ex back, NO CONTACT You have to let them go.
You're not going to die.
You do have to be strong.
Just remember, if you want to win your ex back, you have to play the game, and you have to play it well.
You have to go on with your life and try to put them out of your mind for now.
It might take a little time, but nothing will be more effective to win your ex back than NO CONTACT AT ALL.
When your ex realizes that you are not trying to call them or text them or have any kind of contact, they will start worrying.
If they broke up with you they probably expect you to be trying to get back.
Let them be very surprised.
The surprise will then turn into getting freaked out, and then into making them crazy.
At first they might think their phone isn't working and keep checking their phone.
Then they will realize that you are really really not calling.
Have you gone on with your life? If you want to win your ex back, you have to let them fear that question.
They don't even know if you are seeing someone else.
That will really make them crazy.
You have to give it time, because the more time you give it, the more anxious they will become and the more they will be wondering about you.
Let them wonder if you don't love them anymore.
Let them stay up at night thinking about you.
Let them be really scared to lose you.
This works.
When they realize that you have a life and that you have been able to move on, they will try to contact you.
This is best the cure to your ex's breakup decision.
And now about you...
And while your ex is going through all this, you can be getting yourself together by doing good things for yourself.
Go out with friends and take care of yourself.
Do things that you enjoy doing without your ex.
Be open to new things that you might like.
At first you might have to make an effort, but the sooner you start doing good things for yourself the sooner you will start feeling better about yourself.
You will feel uplifted by your decision to be strong.
When your ex contacts you, you will be feeling much better emotionally.
You will now have the upper hand in the situation, as they come back with their tail between their legs.
And that is exactly where we want them.
If you want to win your ex back you have to be naughty, not nice.
Naughty usually gets the ex back.