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Microsoft Software & solutions : Technology
How to Repair Windows XP Without Formatting
Formatting your computer and reinstalling Windows XP is one method of repairing a damaged operating system, but hardly a desirable one, as all information on the drive will be erased. Another, better method is to repair XP through the repair operation during the installation sequence, a procedure th
How to Determine What Version of Java is on Windows XP
The Java runtime environment runs Java-coded programs both on Web pages and in Windows itself. Different Java programs and applets often require specific versions of Java. Newer versions of Java contain new features, improved performance and security fixes, so it's important to have the latest versi
How to Create a Bootable XP Disk With Roxio
Having a boot disk on hand is important in case you computer ever gets taken over with a crippling virus. Some of the more nasty attacks leave the computer in a constant state of restarting, never allowing the user access to the system to fix the issue. This may leave some users in a panic, but if a
How to Click the Start Menu in Vista
New Windows Vista users who are not tech-savvy may have trouble navigating in Vista at first. In particular, Windows Vista's taskbar and "Start" menu are quite different from previous versions of Windows, such as XP. The old "Start" menu button was labeled "Start," which made finding and clicking on
How to Repair an LCD Driver
LCD screens provide crisp, high-definition display capabilities to modern computers. However, these screens are not always "plug-and-play" compatible. Special drivers must be installed on your Windows PC in order for the LCD monitor to work properly with certain programs, video files and images. If
How to Install Aircrack SVN
Aircrack is a program you can install on your server to monitor traffic and record logs of who is coming and going. It offers periodic new stable releases as well as SVN releases of versions in development. To install an Aircrack SVN, you simply need to run a few commands on your server. This will d
How to Restore a DOS Backup in Windows XP
MS-DOS is the command prompt on your Windows XP system. If you have an MS-DOS setting that you want to restore, you can easily use the Windows XP System Restore tool to get your settings back. System Restore is an application that restores your computer's registry and settings to an earlier date in
What Is Windows Explorer?
Windows Explorer, also known as Windows Shell, is an application used to manage files within the Windows operating system. It contains a graphical interface that appears on the monitor and allows the user to control the computer.
How to Upgrade a JTAG for the Strong 4610
The Strong 4610 is a "Free-to-Air" satellite receiver. It works similarly as your cable box in that it deciphers the television signal and delivers the picture and audio to your home entertainment system. Upgrading the JTAG allows the Strong 4610 to receive the latest format of signals. Th
How to Create a Partition on Windows Vista
Windows Vista, like Windows XP before it, includes easy-to-use tools that are designed to allow users to quickly change computer settings. This includes tools to create partitions on your hard drive from within Windows Vista. Most computer users can perform this task, as long as they don't allow the
How to Log on As an Administrator in Windows
To make profound changes to your computer, you must be logged in as an administrator. An administrator account allows you to make changes in the Windows registry and install certain programs. A standard account only lets you use the basic functions on a computer. Fortunately, it is possible to log i
How to Remove Compression From Disk Cleanup on Windows XP
Many applications will keep a record of history, logs and backups in the form of temporary files. This includes software such as Web browsers and system components. Disk cleanup will free up space on your hard drive by removing these temporary files. In addition, Disk Cleanup will also compress file
How to Export .pages to Plain Text
Use Apple software to export contents as plain text by using the "Export" option under the software File menu. Exporting contents in plain text allows you to open contents in a word-processing software other than Apple Pages. Plain text lacks the complicated formatting that most word processing soft
How to Upgrade Windows XP SP3 to Vista
There are two different methods for upgrading from Windows XP with service pack 3 to Windows Vista. If you use Windows XP Home version it's possible to perform an in place upgrade without losing any current data. With Windows XP Professional, a completely clean installation is required if want to up
How to Compare Values of One Workbook to Another
Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application which can contain multiple pages of data, organized into "sheets." A file containing one or more sheets is often referred to as a workbook. You can compare two different workbooks if desired.
How to Burn Game Torrents Using Cyberlink
Power2Go burns disc images, CDs, DVDs, Blu-Rays and supports other disc formats you need to burn. BitTorrent, or torrent for short, is the name of a file you download from a torrent search engine such as Utorrent. A torrent file can be any type of file, such as a video game, video, audio, software,
How to Locate Lost Files
It can be very frustrating to lose files in your computer, especially important ones. There are instances when files are accidentally deleted or moved to another location, particularly when you share the computer with multiple other users. The good thing is that there are several options you can try
How to Get Rid of NetWorm-i.Virus@fp
Networm-i.Virus@fp is a fictitious threat generated by the Zlob Trojan. The threat usually reads: "Security Alert: Networm-i.Virus@fp Protection: Click this balloon to download certified Antivirus software." Clicking on the recommended balloon will result in a malicious program being downloaded to y
What Is the File Extension .AVL?
The .AVL file extension is used by ArcView as templates for maps. This information can include layout, format, map configuration settings, and other information needed to display these maps.