Protecting Your Prized Classic Vehicle
Collecting vintage cars and preserving them is a serious business. A car is a bold statement and can go as far as reflecting your personality. Keeping them in tip-top shape requires tedious maintenance as they already have gone through some wear and tear process. However, no matter the passing of years, if the former owner took care of the vehicle, then that would have lessened its aging process.
A car lying dormant can lead to countless damages. Keeping it active will help you avoid the following: rubber rot, mildew, outer rust, engine part seizing, short circuit wiring, paint bubbling, fibreglass cracking, chrome pitting, brakes freezing and the death of the battery. Classic cars need extra special care, almost similar in preserving antique museum artifacts. Here are some tips on how to keep them going.
Auto detailing - detailing your car at least once a year is ideal. Washing off the dirt and salts, cleaning the upholstery, waxing, and lubrication, these should be accomplished. Personal touch has its limits. Instead of buying expensive tools and materials needed in maintaining your classic car, bring it to the experts. Make sure to look for auto detailing shops that provide specialized facilities for classic and vintage cars.
Drain Fluids - drain the car's fluids while still warm. Oils that are heated will cause it to circulate. The circulation will potentially emulsify contaminants. Wear rubber gloves before doing this. Make sure the oil contains corrosion protection. Drain brake fluids and replace them with new ones. This ensures your baby from brake deterioration. If you are leaving your car for more than six months, drain the fuel tank as well. Any old gas left behind can clog carburettors and valves. Drain the cooling system including the radiator. Leave the petcock open and the radiator cap off to allow air circulation. Refill rust inhibiting antifreezes. Disconnect the hoses and drain the heater, all fluids drained.
Grease her up - This is only applicable when your car has lube fittings. Apply fresh grease into the car's universal joints. Put clean grease on the steering and suspension fittings. Pack the front wheel bearings.
Keep it off the ground - raise your car up. Place jack stands under the suspension points. Remove tires and stack them while placing cardboards in between. Depress the clutch and lock it in position. Press a 2 x 4 against the clutch and on the front seat. This will prevent your clutch plates from sticking together when stored.
The final touch - Roll down windows so air can circulate. Open boxes of baking soda. You can keep moisture at bay over the carburettor by putting a plastic bag. To keep the critters out, stuff a rag up the tailpipe. Choose the right kind of fabric for car covers. Cotton flannels breathe well allowing air to circulate. Cotton covers are car-paint friendly as well.
Proper maintenance especially with classic cars certainly is tedious. A large amount of time is required. If you're having problems, you can contact Auto detailing Services in your area. All your problems in storing your car will instantly go away.
A car lying dormant can lead to countless damages. Keeping it active will help you avoid the following: rubber rot, mildew, outer rust, engine part seizing, short circuit wiring, paint bubbling, fibreglass cracking, chrome pitting, brakes freezing and the death of the battery. Classic cars need extra special care, almost similar in preserving antique museum artifacts. Here are some tips on how to keep them going.
Auto detailing - detailing your car at least once a year is ideal. Washing off the dirt and salts, cleaning the upholstery, waxing, and lubrication, these should be accomplished. Personal touch has its limits. Instead of buying expensive tools and materials needed in maintaining your classic car, bring it to the experts. Make sure to look for auto detailing shops that provide specialized facilities for classic and vintage cars.
Drain Fluids - drain the car's fluids while still warm. Oils that are heated will cause it to circulate. The circulation will potentially emulsify contaminants. Wear rubber gloves before doing this. Make sure the oil contains corrosion protection. Drain brake fluids and replace them with new ones. This ensures your baby from brake deterioration. If you are leaving your car for more than six months, drain the fuel tank as well. Any old gas left behind can clog carburettors and valves. Drain the cooling system including the radiator. Leave the petcock open and the radiator cap off to allow air circulation. Refill rust inhibiting antifreezes. Disconnect the hoses and drain the heater, all fluids drained.
Grease her up - This is only applicable when your car has lube fittings. Apply fresh grease into the car's universal joints. Put clean grease on the steering and suspension fittings. Pack the front wheel bearings.
Keep it off the ground - raise your car up. Place jack stands under the suspension points. Remove tires and stack them while placing cardboards in between. Depress the clutch and lock it in position. Press a 2 x 4 against the clutch and on the front seat. This will prevent your clutch plates from sticking together when stored.
The final touch - Roll down windows so air can circulate. Open boxes of baking soda. You can keep moisture at bay over the carburettor by putting a plastic bag. To keep the critters out, stuff a rag up the tailpipe. Choose the right kind of fabric for car covers. Cotton flannels breathe well allowing air to circulate. Cotton covers are car-paint friendly as well.
Proper maintenance especially with classic cars certainly is tedious. A large amount of time is required. If you're having problems, you can contact Auto detailing Services in your area. All your problems in storing your car will instantly go away.