How to Install the Ignition Coil on a 2001 3-Liter Ranger Pickup
- 1). Locate the ignition coil on the passenger's side of the engine (the six spark plug wires that plug into the coil help identify it). Place the new ignition coil next to the old one, facing the same direction. Transfer each spark plug wire, one at a time, from the old coil to the exact same position on the new coil. Squeeze dielectric grease into each spark plug wire boot and spread the grease around the inside the boot, using a clean flat-head screwdriver prior to placing the boot on the new coil. Sit the new coil aside.
- 2). Disconnect the wiring harness plugging from the right side of the ignition coil by pushing the locking button and pulling the harness from the coil.
- 3). Remove the nut that secures the heater hose bracket to the rear stud on the ignition coil, using a ratchet and socket. Remove the heater hose bracket from the stud and push the heater hoses aside.
- 4). Remove the two bolts on the front of the coil and the one stud at the rear of the coil, using a ratchet and socket. Pull the coil up and off the engine.
- 5). Place the new coil in the exact position occupied by the old coil. Tighten the bolts and stud to 53 inch-pounds (about 4 foot-pounds), using a torque wrench and a socket.
- 6). Plug the wiring harness into the receptacle on the right side of the new ignition coil.
- 7). Place the heater hose bracket back onto the stud on the rear of the ignition coil and tighten the nut to 53 inch-pounds with a torque wrench and socket.