Want Bigger Muscles? Then Discover the One Secret to Packing Solid Muscle Onto Your Body
You don't make muscle in the gym The point is, your muscles don't grow a single bit while you workout.
They only get damaged and start to break down in the gym.
If you really want them to get larger, they must have an ample amount of time to rest and recover.
Only then do they get bigger and stronger.
It seems a bit counterintuitive, I know.
We all equate muscle growth with hard work.
As long as you're honestly putting in that hard work at the gym, then it's OK to take that time off and let your body recover.
You don't have to go at it hard every day 6 days a week.
3 or 4 days a week of exercise is plenty for your body.
Rest becomes even more important as you reach progressively higher weights as well.
Heavy weights and controlling them properly is a serious drain on your central nervous system (CNS).
If your body or your CNS is still recovering, how can you expect to make progress.
You can't! It's as simple as that.
The other side of the coin is that in addition to a rest period, your muscles need a ton of calories to grow larger.
This is important for anyone, but you skinny guys that have a hard time actually gaining weight, this is doubly true.
Your body really doesn't want to grow new muscle.
It costs a lot of energy and calories to maintain muscle.
So you have to give the body no other choice except to grow muscle.
How do you do that? By eating.
If you're lifting hard, resting amply and still not seeing gains, then you must eat more.
No, really.
I don't care if you're eating 3000 calories a day; if you aren't building muscle, then eat 3500 or 4000.
A typical 140lb male will need at least 3500 calories a day to pack on muscle, and it just goes up from there.