2 Hot Tips to Gain Weight in 2011 - Discover How to Add Healthy Weight and Tone Up Your Body
They can't figure out why you would want to gain weight especially when they're trying to lose it.
What they don't know is that it's a real problem people like us face every day.
I'd like to share with you a few of my tips today.
Tip #1- The first tip is to make sure that you're eating enough food.
If the amount of calories you eat isn't greater than the amount of calories you burn you'll never lose weight.
The problem is that most people will tell me that they eat all day long and still can't gain.
When I show them how much they actually need to add weight they are shocked.
You can follow this simple formula I use to gain weight.
What you do is multiply your current weight by 20 and you'll get the amount of calories you need to eat to gain weight.
So if you weigh 120 pounds you need to eat 2,400 calories.
Tip #2- Follow the proper workout plan.
If you just eat, even if you're eating healthy you'll gain weight but it will become excess fat.
This is why you need to do a weight training program.
If you're a guy this is good because you'll gain the bulk you want.
If you're a female this is important to give you that nicely, toned feminine body that most bikini models have.
You should do some type of weight training for 3-4 days per week.
I usually workout around 45 minutes for the best results.