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Nutrition : Health & Medical

Iron-rich lunch box

To have a diet rich in iron is essential to obtain and keep an optimal energy level. Iron deficiency is widespread among women. Since much of the nutrients of the day are consumed at noon, a lunch box

How to Power Start Your Day

Most of us are familiar with the food pyramid?Well try the reverse food pyramid in the sense that make your breakfast the largest meal of the day and taper off your calorific intake as the day progresses.Assuming that we all know that 5-6 'feedings' are better than 3 'fill-your-boots-

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo improves blood flow to the brain and may help ease a number of circulation problems, including vascular dementia and leg pain caused by clogged arteries. WebMD explains the benefits and risks of this popular supplement.

Strong Bones Through Food

We all need to have calcium in our diets in order to maintain strong and healthy bones. Many of us are not drinking a glass of milk with dinner, or eating the yogurt we should ...

The Surprising Benefit of Potassium

The number of Americans with high blood pressure continues to climb every year.The American Heart Association estimates that currently, one third of U.S. adults over age 20 have high blood pressure.In

We Discuss Substitutes For Saturated Fats

It has been believed for a long while now that saturated fats substituted with unsaturated fats actually helps in lowering down the cholesterol levels. The dietitian recommends that as much as possible, the saturated fats should be substituted with unsaturated fats, if it is really needed for one to

Leaky Gut Syndrome and Gluten-Free Living

Larger than normal opening within the villi allows unprocessed or incompletely disassembled food molecules to enter the bloodstream. Villi openings of this sort allow possibly risky material to "leak" through, thus the term, leaky gut syndrome.

Diet Sodas Once Again Linked to Diabetes

Diet sodas once again have been shown to increase the risk of Diabetes. Discover how drinking ONE diet soda a week raises the risk of developing Diabetes by 33%.

What Causes Vitamin D Deficiency?

Do you sometimes wonder why you get allergies from drinking milk? Or perhaps you can't stick to a vegetarian diet set by your nutritionist. Your body might be suffering from the lack of Vitamin D or the sunshine vitamin.

Are You Eating Yourself To Death?

Is your current diet killing you quicker?Could your diet be the cause of all your ailments?Is your "healthy" diet making you fat?!

Recommended Intake of Dietary Fats

Most people do not suffer from a shortage of fat! The opposite is most often the case. Fat cannot only be consumed directly in the form of fatty foods, but when protein, carbohydrates and alcohol are consumed in excess of the body's needs, the liver converts the excess to lipids.

Organic Food VS Processed Food

When it comes to healthy eating and living better, it is always trustworthy to consider online stores. Food stores and supermarkets both sell packaged and processed foods but items in the stores do not contain ...

Top 5 Breakfasts For PCOS

The key to having happy blood sugar levels is by starting you day off with a breakfast that's tailored for people with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).You want to have a breakfast that does not bother your blood sugar levels, but stabilizes them. Protein is the key.

Four Essential Nutrients for Good Health

There is an overwhelming urgency in people these days to get healthy and everybody is looking for the fastest way to look and feel good but the fast way may not always necessarily be the ...

Reducing Your Acid Reflux Greatly by Changing Your Eating Habits

In our society today it is hard to eat proper foods at the proper times to minimize the chances that we may experience acid reflux symptoms. Some of these symptoms include the following, uneasiness in your stomach, a burning in your chest which could actually feel almost like a heart attack, burning

Why Many Fat Free Diets Do Not Work

The relentless avoidance of fat even of healthy unsaturated fat is creating a troubling scenario for many individuals.Instead of losing weight when they go fat free, they are actually gaining weight.

What is Food Intolerance?

Food intolerance is discussed quite often these days - so what exactly does it mean? Well, sometimes our bodies cannot tolerate the foods we eat. This is known as food intolerance. When people consume foods that they're sensitive to, such as dairy products for lactose intolerant individuals, th