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Nutrition : Health & Medical

The Benefits of Carrot Juice

Carrot juice is the richest source of Vitamin A which the body can quickly assimilate. Find out how can carrot juice help improve your health and why it is good for you.

Healthy Eating - The No.1 Healthy Eating Habit That Guarantees Diet Success

The average misinformed consumer ingest about 160lbs of sugar yearly. Sugar is the big player in obesity, hormonal disorders, belly fat, bone health and diabetes. One in 5 children is obese and the probable reason is lack of knowledge of healthy eating. Healthy eating habits can make you a winner!

Electrolyte Replacement is Important For Summer Exercise

We're all taught to make sure we drink enough water during exercise. Many health care providers recommend drinking at least eight glasses of water per day, and more during the summer or while exercising. What doesn't get mentioned is that drinking much more than this can dilute essential m

3 Essentials of Good Nutrition

Many of us never worried much about our nutrition when we were younger, but as we get older, it is crucial that we watch what we put into our bodies.Eating pizza and fast food on a normal basis just doesn't fly with our bodies like it used to. We need to be careful when it comes to our diet bec

The Healing Honey and Its Health Benefits

The translucent, viscous and golden beauty - Honey is a natures' gift to mankind. Find various health benefits of Honey and the prudent ways to include it in your diet.

Research on Benefits of NRF2

Nutrients and vitamins are to strengthen the immune system of the body. Proteins are obviously needed by the body and recently, there have been a lot of researches conducted on specific protein called Nrf2. This ...

Guide to a Gluten Free Diet

Best Gluten Free Products - Deprive Yourself No More Are you looking for the best gluten free products? Though, many people would assume that there are less wonderful foods and products available for people with ...

The Acai Berry is For Your Health

It's important to take care of yourself.From exercising to eating right, good health means a long, happy life.So you spend time and energy making sure what you eat is good for you, and that you get the right amount of nutrients to keep your body at its peak.One thing you can do to help make sur

Healthy Ways To Maintain Your Energy During Long Days

The dreaded after-lunch exhaustion- it is a fact of life in any job, but a dire one for teachers. You have to both keep yourself and your students awake and focused. It is one of the hardest lessons to learn when learning how to be a teacher. There are commercials and ads for energy drinks and energ

Food dehydrator…who needs one?

A food dehydrator, who could possibly need one? You will shocked to learn that a food dehydrator can greatly benifit almost any lifestyle and belief. Your food dehydrator can quickly become the most v

Which Foods Cure Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Experiencing physical weakness or getting exhausted physically after adding something extra in your normal routine is considered to be normal. But if this experience gets prolonged, whereas there are no signs of improvement with continual ...

10 Tips on Healthy Living

Living a healthy life is indeed one important thing we want in life. Not just because it will make us feel and look good but it also helps us in achieving our goals, desires and our dreams. Here are 10 tips that will help you get started.

Child Nutrition Books

An easy to read article that gives parents tips on what to look for in books that discuss child nutrition. The article aims to make sure parents get value for their money.

How to Get a Flat Stomach - 5 Easy Tips.

Everybody wants a flat stomach. For a lot of people it is the holy grail of health and fitness, and the envy of others. Strange then that such mystery surrounds how to get one! If ...

A B Complex Vitamin That is Rather Unknown to Most, PABA

The B vitamins are fairly well known especially vitmain B6 and B12 but not many people know about PABA which is often labeled as Bx because it does not have an official #. This article explains what PABA vitamin does, deficiency symptoms, benefits and sources.