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Nutrition : Health & Medical
Tired Of Looking More And More Like Santa Each Year- Find Out How To Cut The Pounds This Holiday Sea
Looking at the scale after the holiday season can be very degrading and depressing. You thought you were at a good weight and you try to watch what you eat during Thanksgiving and Christmas, but ...
Hawaiian Noni Juice - What Kind?
Hawaiian Noni Juice is widely available, what kind is best? Do you want mixed juice or 100% pure?
How Not Eating Enough Can Make You Gain Weight
Everything we've been led to believe about weight loss is focused on eating less and exercising more.
Who Are the Healthiest People in the World?
If there's a diet that could be called the polar opposite of the Standard American Diet, then this one may be it. The Okinawans start by eating a minimum of seven servings of vegetables a day. In addition they eat two to four servings of fruit. (Are you with me so far?)
Randy Jeffers tells The Story of Ecklonia Cava, the secret ingredient in Aloelicious!
It has been a well known fact for many years that the Japanese live longer than any other people on earth, demonstrating an average lifespan of 79.4 years for men and 86.5 years for women ...
Water - Optimum Health In A Glass
Water is probably the most important substance you can feed your body, essential for virtually every body process.Are you getting enough pure water for your optimum health?
The Health Benefits Of Alpha Hydroxy Acids
A polished piece of fruit looks so wholesome you just know consuming it will yield great benefits. What you may not know is that there are other benefits that can be gained from fruit without consuming it. Fruit and a host of other familiar food products contain alpha hydroxy acids, or AHAs. Origina
Some Useful Nutrients For the Beautiful Skin
The beautiful skin is the dream by many people, especially the women. Achieving the healthy and great skin does not mean that you should spend a lot of money to buy some expensive beauty products.
For A Healthy Brain, Eat Fish
The brains control the thinking, behavior, and every other cognitive abilities of the system. This therefore suggests that any abnormalities in the brain which may occur early in the developmental stages of the brain can lead to abnormal thinking or behavior later on.
Gain Weight With Pro Mass
All your life, people called you thin, skinny. They say that you are delicate, small and fragile!
These 7 Health Foods Can Ruin Your Diet
Is eating healthier part of your New Year plan? Be sure you're not sabotaging your healthy-eating efforts with these health foods that aren't … 1. Smoothies A smoothie in the morning can be wonderfully full ...
5 Fat Loss Nutrition Tips
Whenever people tell me they want to lose weight, they tell me about all the things they're going to change RIGHT NOW, but I think that's the wrong approach.That's actually a good way to set yourself up for failure.Instead, what I try to do is get them to focus on a few things right n
The Benefits of Fish Oil For Your Health and Fitness
The health benefits of fish oil are both wide-ranging and monumental. The benefits of fish oil are well-known: lowered blood pressure, prevention of heart attacks, and anti-inflammatory abilities that give relief from arthritis. The heart benefits of fish oil are well known, they include a reduction
Herbs, Tinctures, Antibiotics and Probiotics, By Health Expert Jon Barron
In this article, Jon Barron shares information on herbs, tinctures, antibiotics and probiotics.Jon Barron, is a creator of Base Line Nutrition and author of Lessons from the Miracle Doctors.
The History of Wheatgrass
What is wheatgrass, and why do people use it? This article explores where the use of wheatgrass came from and also the benefits of using wheatgrass.
Psyllium Husk - Dietary Fibers And Antioxidants For A Healthy Body
A healthy diet can detoxify and rid the body of harmful wastes and help it heal faster from injuries or diseases. If you're someone looking for the best super foods to cleanse your system of toxins, then Psyllium Husk is the best solution.
Post Workout Nutrition: Secrets to a Hard, Lean Body
Many people don't realize that aside from breakfast, your post-workout meal may be the most important meal of the day. Start taking your post-workout meal more seriously, and you just may start to see those dear abbies popping out with better definition, and your shirt sleeves filling in with m
Dietary Changes Is The Key To Lower Cholesterol Naturally
Maintaining a healthy level of blood cholesterol is important. Abnormally high levels of blood cholesterol could lead to deposition of plaques within the walls of the arteries. When this happens, the affected individuals become susceptible to heart diseases and stroke.
Mediterranean Diet: Should you Drink Wine or Eat Grapes?
Since the discovery of the “French Paradox” puzzle in 1992, researchers have been trying to pinpoint why red wine has a cardiovascular protective effect. While studies have been focusing in the antiox
Tuna Fish - Still a Great Dietary Choice
With high mercury levels found in many popular varieties of tuna fish, many have valid concerns regarding its consumption. In this article, we not only explore the dangers, but also put forward some healthier alternatives as well.