Reducing Your Acid Reflux Greatly by Changing Your Eating Habits
In our society today it is hard to eat proper foods at the proper times to minimize the chances that we may experience acid reflux symptoms.
Some of these symptoms include the following, uneasiness in your stomach, a burning in your chest which could actually feel almost like a heart attack, burning in your throat, a nasty taste in your mouth, a persistent cough, and even hoarseness.
One of the best ways to get fend off these symptoms of acid reflux is to pay close attention to our diet and our eating habits.
Avoid Certain Types of Foods as much as possible.
Knowing what type of foods and stay away from is key in reducing the symptoms of acid reflux.
You should try to avoid chocolates of all kinds because this creates excess acid in your stomach.
Also avoid fruits that contain a lot of citric acid such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons and limes etc.
this also creates excess at his acid in your belly that your body can't get rid of fast enough.
You should also avoid fried foods and foods that contain excess fat.
Not only these bad for your arteries but they stay in your stomach a lot longer therefore they cause your stomach to create excess acid to get rid of them.
Eat smaller meals more times a day.
You should eat smaller meals may be five or six a day instead of eating free large meals.
The reason behind this is when you eat smaller meals your body has time to digest the food properly and when you eat large meals.
Therefore this lessens the chances for acid build up in your stomach in reducing the chance for acid reflux in the esophagus.
Eat more foods enriched with plant proteins.
When we eat foods containing large amounts of plant proteins such as beans, lentils, green leafy vegetables, our body uses the enzymes in these foods to reduce the amount of acids in our stomachs.
Therefore when you have that steak dinner instead of a baked potato loaded down with sour cream or butter you should make yourself a leafy salad without the tomatoes because they contain excess citric acid.
This is a healthier alternative for you plus it will greatly reduce the amount of acid in your belly.
Eat foods containing a lot of complex carbohydrates.
If you are person is prone to getting acid reflux you should eat a lot of foods containing complex carbohydrates such as breads, rice, pasta, because the complex carbohydrates in these foods help eliminate the acid in your stomach, therefore lowering your chances for an outbreak of acid reflux.
Limit the times that you eat.
It is hard to to keep a certain schedule for when we should eat but for those of us that suffer with acid reflux is a necessity to keep a proper schedule.
You should not eat too late in the evening because your body will not have time to reduce the amount of medicine in your stomach before you lay down to go to bed therefore that increases the chances of acid flowing up into your esophagus creating an acid reflux problem.
The last meal you should be should be at least three hours before you go to bed if not more.
If you get hungry and need a snack right before you go to bed you should eat something light such as crackers because this will aid in soaking up any excess acid you have in your stomach.
Do Not rush things when you eat.
When you sit down to a meal you should take your time and enjoy your food.
You should take at least 20 minutes for each meal and chew all your food completely because this aids in the digesting process lowering the amount of acid produced by your meal.
Using the tips mentioned above can greatly reduce the occurrences you have with acid reflux disease.
And you can see these are not major changes but just simple things you can do to make your life more bearable if you suffer from acid reflux.
Some of these symptoms include the following, uneasiness in your stomach, a burning in your chest which could actually feel almost like a heart attack, burning in your throat, a nasty taste in your mouth, a persistent cough, and even hoarseness.
One of the best ways to get fend off these symptoms of acid reflux is to pay close attention to our diet and our eating habits.
Avoid Certain Types of Foods as much as possible.
Knowing what type of foods and stay away from is key in reducing the symptoms of acid reflux.
You should try to avoid chocolates of all kinds because this creates excess acid in your stomach.
Also avoid fruits that contain a lot of citric acid such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons and limes etc.
this also creates excess at his acid in your belly that your body can't get rid of fast enough.
You should also avoid fried foods and foods that contain excess fat.
Not only these bad for your arteries but they stay in your stomach a lot longer therefore they cause your stomach to create excess acid to get rid of them.
Eat smaller meals more times a day.
You should eat smaller meals may be five or six a day instead of eating free large meals.
The reason behind this is when you eat smaller meals your body has time to digest the food properly and when you eat large meals.
Therefore this lessens the chances for acid build up in your stomach in reducing the chance for acid reflux in the esophagus.
Eat more foods enriched with plant proteins.
When we eat foods containing large amounts of plant proteins such as beans, lentils, green leafy vegetables, our body uses the enzymes in these foods to reduce the amount of acids in our stomachs.
Therefore when you have that steak dinner instead of a baked potato loaded down with sour cream or butter you should make yourself a leafy salad without the tomatoes because they contain excess citric acid.
This is a healthier alternative for you plus it will greatly reduce the amount of acid in your belly.
Eat foods containing a lot of complex carbohydrates.
If you are person is prone to getting acid reflux you should eat a lot of foods containing complex carbohydrates such as breads, rice, pasta, because the complex carbohydrates in these foods help eliminate the acid in your stomach, therefore lowering your chances for an outbreak of acid reflux.
Limit the times that you eat.
It is hard to to keep a certain schedule for when we should eat but for those of us that suffer with acid reflux is a necessity to keep a proper schedule.
You should not eat too late in the evening because your body will not have time to reduce the amount of medicine in your stomach before you lay down to go to bed therefore that increases the chances of acid flowing up into your esophagus creating an acid reflux problem.
The last meal you should be should be at least three hours before you go to bed if not more.
If you get hungry and need a snack right before you go to bed you should eat something light such as crackers because this will aid in soaking up any excess acid you have in your stomach.
Do Not rush things when you eat.
When you sit down to a meal you should take your time and enjoy your food.
You should take at least 20 minutes for each meal and chew all your food completely because this aids in the digesting process lowering the amount of acid produced by your meal.
Using the tips mentioned above can greatly reduce the occurrences you have with acid reflux disease.
And you can see these are not major changes but just simple things you can do to make your life more bearable if you suffer from acid reflux.