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Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn : Health & Medical

How to Pick Out a Great Baby Name

You've got the nursery decorated, the car seat purchased, and the baby monitor in place.Have you chosen a name?Have you chosen a name people can pronounce?Have you chosen a name your child will have to spell aloud every time he or she meets someone new?

Best Tips on Getting Pregnant - Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

Many women trying to conceive wonder how to get pregnant, and what are their chances of getting pregnant. Even though there are certain steps you can take to increase your chances of pregnant, every woman should try to understand the average length of time it takes to conceive and her body.

Can Vitamin C Help You Get Pregnant? Yes and No

With all the supplements being touted as fertility enhancers, it's important to understand what works and what doesn't. Vitamin C is a supplement that can improve fertility in men and women, but can also cause reduced fertility in women if not taken correctly

Top Five Getting Pregnant Tips

Timing is everything Knowing when the best time to do it will greatly improve your chances of falling pregnant. Just how do you know when the time is right? It is common knowledge that you ...

Nausea During Pregnancy - 8 Ways to Beat It

Some say the only real cure to morning sickness is time, but there are some practical tips you can take to knock the edge off it. With no clear way to predict how long it will last or how bad it will be, these 8 ways to beat nausea during pregnancy might help you ease the quease.

Asthma Can Be Dangerous For Pregnant Ladies

A baby to be born brings lots of happiness in anybody's life. Everyone is really very excited for the new one to come into this world. It completely changes one's life especially the parents of ...

Understanding False Labor Pains

Experiencing false labor pains is a very common phenomenon among mothers as they approach the due date.There is a significant change in the Braxton Hicks contractions, they start out as painless and infrequent and go on to being more rhythmic and stronger and sometimes even painful ones. This can so

Why Would You Take a Prenatal Omega 3?

Has a critical supplement been left out of your prenatal vitamins? Find out why your baby needs omega 3 to ensure a healthy, normal growth.

Extreme Pregnancy Nausea - One of Several Complications of Pregnancy

The majority of women who are expecting a child will go on to enjoy their pregnancy without experiencing the development of pregnancy related problems. When a woman does develop complications due to her pregnancy, it is important that she immediately contact her health care provider. By alerting her


The meaning, origin and impression of the baby boy name - Sean.

When Can I Find the Gender of My Baby?- 3 Easy Steps

Most modern families are seeking to plan their family these days. Some prefer it large and some not so large. Either way, we all would like to have a variety. Sometimes it runs in the ...

What To Do When Pregnancy Just Isn't Happening

Try as they might, some couples just can't seem to conceive. After months and months of practicing and waiting to see if a period will start or it won't, disappointment haunts them. If a reasonable ...

Danger of Drinking Alcohol During Pregnancy

Drinkable alcohol is produced from vegetables, grains and fruits by the process of fermentation.As the food is fermented, it produces ethanol, that is, alcohol.This beverage, while legal in many countries, but with age restrictions, is an addictive substance.

IVF Funding Cuts - Saving Money at Infertility's Expense

In recent weeks both the Isle of Man and Warrington Primary Care Trust have announced cuts in their funding of infertility treatment. The Isle of Man government has slashed its budget for infertility treatment by half, and infertile couples now have to meet much stricter criteria to even be consider