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Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn : Health & Medical
Pregnancy and Dental Care - Frequently Asked Questions
When I was pregnant with our first child, I have to admit my nerves often got the best of me. I worked hard to take precautions so as not to harm the baby, and no doubt I looked like the stereotypical fretful mom-to-be. Yet I never missed a doctor's appointment, but I did have some concerns abo
Fertility and Getting Pregnant - Reversing Infertility the Natural Way
You've been trying to get pregnant for some time now. In fact, it has been over a year since you have decided that you are now ready to have a baby. Both of you were so excited that you consummated your marriage every single chance you had. But now, you realize that the excitement has turned in
Water Quality For Soon to Be Mothers
When a woman becomes pregnant there are many things that are done to ensure the delivery of a healthy child. Pregnant woman will typically give up things they may normally do such as drinking alcohol and/or caffeine, smoking and eating junk food or too much fish. Pregnancy will also prompt...
Twin Pregnancy? Essential Exercise Advice
Exercise is important for everyone, but particularly important for anyone expecting twins! This article reveals what you need to know about exercising when you are pregnant with twins...
Be Ready To Face Pregnancy Morning Sickness
Isn't it ironic that pregnancy morning sickness is the most common picture of a happy and healthy pregnant state? Although, it is also true that some women do not experience nausea at all, the fact remains that over half of all pregnant women have to deal with it. A common misconception that it
5 Reasons to Take Omega 3 Fish Oil During Pregnancy
To date, there have been thousands of studies concerning omega 3 and pregnancy. Omega-3's are a group of long-chained fatty acids that are an essential part of a healthy diet. Just how important they are during pregnancy is still being studied. The most recent study concerned a condition called
Antidepressants Linked to Birth Defect
New research adds to the evidence that babies born to women who take antidepressants during pregnancy have a small increased risk for a specific heart defect.
Bed Rest Methods For Pregnant Women
If you are a person who is in the maternal stage of birth and having difficulties then maybe your doctor will tell you that you need to get bed rest. And dealing with the issue of bed rest is a very complicated one as it might be implemented for a long period of time, the whole idea of this practice
How to Prevent Pregnancy Stretch Marks
Are you concerned about pregnancy stretch marks? Don't let the thought of pregnancy stretch marks ruin the magical experience of being pregnant.Discover how to prevent and reduce pregnancy stretch marks - natures way.
Surrogacy Laws in the UK - An Overview
An increasing number of childless couples in the UK are taking the surrogacy route. Surrogacy is a boon for numerous childless couples, same-sex partners, and singles across the UK, willing to experience the wonders of parenthood. Due to the legal intricacies involved in adoption, there has been a s
Different Positions for Childbirth
At this point in her pregnancy, your spouse should give a thought to the birthing position that she would prefer for her delivery. Each position has its advantages and disadvantages. Your spouse can o
How Do Birth Control Pills Affect Polycystitis?
Polycystic Ovary SyndromePolycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is sometimes called polycystitis, although that term is general and could refer to other types of polycystic disorders. PCOS is a health condition that can affect a woman's menstrual cycle, her heart, ability to have children,...
9 Weeks Pregnant
Welcome to week 9 of your pregnancy! You have just completed your 8th full week! This week your baby is has reached almost 1" from head to rump and weighs in at just a small fraction of an ounce. Most of the major body structures like head, arms and legs are in place by now and it will be time
A Pill Is Born
From a molecule that looks promising, to a new medicine on your shelf – the process typically takes years and involves researchers, drug companies, government bureaucrats, human subjects … and a few good rats.
High-Risk Pregnancies: Symptoms, Doctors, Support, and More
What is a high-risk pregnancy? WebMD explains conditions and preconditions that might cause complications in pregnancy.
Pregnancy week 6 -The Beginning Of Eyes and Limbs
In the pregnancy week 6 there is usually a noticeable weight change up to 5.lbs however some may experience a small weight loss buts that OK. It is also the time when the foetus buds begin the amazing
Using Water in Labor
Water: a life-saving mix of sustenance and comfort. We drink water, use it in our cooking, clean our clothes and dishes with it -- and now we are even having our babies in it. While actual birthing in water happens infrequently, using water during labor is a universal experience. It can help women f
A Good Diet For Pregnancy Contains Fish
When you are pregnant, your diet needs protein and omega-3 to help support your baby’s growth. A good diet for pregnancy contains fish, as this food is full of the nutrients your body needs for your baby's healthy development.
Identify First Pregnancy Indications - Stay Cool and Get Thrilled!
So this is your first pregnancy. Pregnancy can be a wonderful experience, since it announces the coming arrival of a person's baby. For women, who are expecting for once, it is both a fun fil