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Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn : Health & Medical

Emergency Contraception - Choices and Precautions

Emergency contraception can turn out to be the need of the hour if you experience a contraceptive failure, or if you have unprotected sex with your partner. In either case, you have 2 emergency birth control pills that can get you out of trouble and let you breathe peacefully. Read on to find out mo

Picking Your Baby's Gender Naturally

You have this vision in your mind of the baby that you want to give birth to. You want to make that vision come true so you can start planning and preparing for his or her's arrival. If you have this vision in your mind and you want to pick the gender of your baby in order to make that happen,

Tips to Get Pregnant Quick - How Can I Get Pregnant Fast?

One of the more effective fertility tips to get pregnant quick is that the couple should keep an open communication line and cooperate with each other during the planning stage, to the time of the sexual intercourse, during the entire 9 months of pregnancy until such time as the female gives birth.

Pregnancy Info - Where to Get Questions Answered

Becoming a mother is a milestone for every woman, a time for curious moments, myriad of emotions and endless possibilities.Lets face it though, if you are or ever have been pregnant, you know that once the initial joy wears off the questions begin to flood in.I am a mother of three beautiful childre

A Way Around Infertility - Yes, There is a Way

Infertility basically means being unable to get pregnant even after a year trying to get pregnant. This is also called sterility. One third of the time sterility is traced back to the woman while another third of the time it is traced back to the man.

The Best Treatment for Infertility

Infertility is a serious issue faced by thousands of couples across the world. The following article outlines the various causes for infertility and treatments.

Pregnancy 101: Proven Tips for Getting Pregnant

Getting pregnant and having a healthy baby is probably the most important thing in a relationship but some couples have difficulty with this even during their younger years. As you get older it may not be so easy so here are some tips for getting pregnant to help you achieve your goal.

Week 28 Ultrasound

Week 28 of pregnancy is at the start of the third trimester, not many ultrasounds are done at this point without a reason, like a complication.

Can an Early Detection Pregnancy Test Be Correct?

It can be frustrating not knowing if there is a new life growing within you.This can be for either being happy about it or not.Using an early detection pregnancy test can alleviate this frustration.

21 Weeks - 2nd Baby

You're just over half way through your pregnancy! Are you feeling baby move? How are the maternity clothes? Have you toured your place of birth? Here are pregnancy photos from the second trimester, 21 weeks pregnant in this belly gallery.

Pregnancy is a Natural Event and Not a Medical Problem

Pregnancy IS a natural event. If you go to third world countries, you can still find women who work in the fields, provide for their families and care for their other children up until labor ensues. Then they simply go out to the field somewhere, squat, have the baby, come home and continue with wha

Your Fluid Intake

We've all heard the advice that we're supposed to drink eight glasses of water a day. And we've all nodded our heads and continued to drink our usual three or four-less in many cases. The truth is, it's tough to get that much water down in one day.

Easy Approach to Get Pregnant Securely and Naturally

Pregnancy is equally important to every woman of this world as motherhood is the only way for them to feel complete. Today, there are a large number of women who face difficulties to get pregnant. There are various medical problems that block a woman's way to motherhood like infertility, PCOS,