Your Fluid Intake
We've all heard the advice that we're supposed to drink eight glasses of water a day.
And we've all nodded our heads and continued to drink our usual three or four-less in many cases.
The truth is, it's tough to get that much water down in one day.
Between running to the bathroom every half hour and endlessly refilling your glass, drinking that much just seems like a pain.
But now that you're pregnant, it's more important than ever that you try.
In fact, if you exercise you should probably shoot for eight to ten glasses a day.
Some experts say that for every half hour or exercise, you will need at least one glass of extra fluid to replace the amount that you lose through sweating.
You will also need more in warm weather, when excessive perspiration is more likely.
Drinking plenty of fluids will not only help you avoid dehydration, a potentially dangerous condition during pregnancy, but also maintain your amniotic fluid and blood volume, aid digestion, ward of constipation, and reduce the likelihood of excessive swelling or urinary tract infections.
Following are some tips to help your daily fluid requirements go down a little easier.
* Remember that every glass doesn't have to be pure water.
Dilute several with fruit juice and have a glass or two of skim milk as well.
(Just watch your calorie count.
An 8-ounce glass of skim milk has close to 90 calories.
) * Measure a gallon of water and pour it into a pitcher in the morning.
Stash it in the fridge and keep sipping from it throughout the day.
* Don't drink more than two glasses at one time.
It may make you feel bloated and could throw your body chemicals out of balance.
* Sip a glass throughout every meal and during your midday snacks.
* When you exercise, carry a container of water with you in a fanny pack or specially designed water pack.
* Put a full glass on your nightstand when you go to bed.
Anytime you wake up, take a drink or two.
* Console yourself with the thought that you're spending half your time running to the bathroom now anyway.
You might as well have something to show for you efforts.
And we've all nodded our heads and continued to drink our usual three or four-less in many cases.
The truth is, it's tough to get that much water down in one day.
Between running to the bathroom every half hour and endlessly refilling your glass, drinking that much just seems like a pain.
But now that you're pregnant, it's more important than ever that you try.
In fact, if you exercise you should probably shoot for eight to ten glasses a day.
Some experts say that for every half hour or exercise, you will need at least one glass of extra fluid to replace the amount that you lose through sweating.
You will also need more in warm weather, when excessive perspiration is more likely.
Drinking plenty of fluids will not only help you avoid dehydration, a potentially dangerous condition during pregnancy, but also maintain your amniotic fluid and blood volume, aid digestion, ward of constipation, and reduce the likelihood of excessive swelling or urinary tract infections.
Following are some tips to help your daily fluid requirements go down a little easier.
* Remember that every glass doesn't have to be pure water.
Dilute several with fruit juice and have a glass or two of skim milk as well.
(Just watch your calorie count.
An 8-ounce glass of skim milk has close to 90 calories.
) * Measure a gallon of water and pour it into a pitcher in the morning.
Stash it in the fridge and keep sipping from it throughout the day.
* Don't drink more than two glasses at one time.
It may make you feel bloated and could throw your body chemicals out of balance.
* Sip a glass throughout every meal and during your midday snacks.
* When you exercise, carry a container of water with you in a fanny pack or specially designed water pack.
* Put a full glass on your nightstand when you go to bed.
Anytime you wake up, take a drink or two.
* Console yourself with the thought that you're spending half your time running to the bathroom now anyway.
You might as well have something to show for you efforts.