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Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn : Health & Medical
Is There an Absolutely Positive Sign of Pregnancy?
The answer is: no, until you have the proof of an ultrasound, there is no absolutely positive sign of pregnancy. But below we have listed for you the 6 most possible signs of pregnancy.
Foods to Eat When Pregnant That Will Help to Boost Your Energy
Do you often feel exhausted now that you are pregnant? Fatigue, exhaustion and lack of energy are common during pregnancy, specifically during your first and third trimester. During the first trimester, your body is still adjusting along with new hormones that affect your energy level and when you r
5 Easy Steps to Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant
Sometimes it is just not that easy to get pregnant. However, there are steps you can take to increase your chances of getting pregnant. 1. Know precisely when your fertile window is. There exists only ...
Pregnancy And Sleeping Positions-how To Catch Your Zzzs In Pregnancy
Have you experienced any of the following while pregnant: swelling hands, feet, and ankles? This is quite common for expecting women. Such conditions are associated with pregnancy and sleeping positions.
Things to Avoid During Pregnancy - Dangerous Foods, Drinks and Drugs
Do you make these dietary and drug mistakes during pregnancy? Find out what NOT to eat and drink while pregnant.
Medicines During Pregnancy-Overview
Doctors usually tell women to avoid medicines during pregnancy,if possible,especially during the first 3 months. That is when a baby’s organs form. But sometimes you have to take medicine to treat a health problem,such as high blood pressure or asthma. Before prescribing any medicine,your doctor or
When Should You Take Your Combination Birth Control Pill?
Do you know when to take the Pill? When using combination birth control pills, not only is it important to be taking the Pill at the same time each day, but you must also consider travel plans and Daylight Saving time changes into account. Learn when to take the Pill when you are in different time z
Types of Natural Family Planning
Natural family planning, also known as fertility awareness, can be used when a couple decides that they want to achieve or avoid pregnancy. There are various methods that can be applied to figure out when a woman is at her most fertile. According to the Net Doctor website, solely using natural famil
Causes of Secondary Infertility and How to Deal With Them
Secondary infertility is the inability to conceive after a couple as already had a child. Specifically it is the inability to conceive after a year of unprotected sex if you are 35 or younger, or 6 months if you are older than 35.
Mom's Healthy Diet Linked to Lower Heart Defect Risk at Birth
Researchers looked at what women ate before getting pregnant
How to Conceive a Baby Even If it Seems Hopeless
Do you want to learn how to conceive a baby even if it seems hopeless? If so then I am glad you are reading this today. In this article you will learn three great tips to help you get pregnant as quickly as possible.
Selecting A Confinement Nanny
Keep with you for the month right after your new baby is born. But for many girls who need to comply with a classic confinement regimen, a confinement nanny is virtually a need to.
The Infertility Solution - Is There a Magic Bullet to Getting Pregnant?
If you and your partner are struggling to conceive a child, you may be desperately searching for the one right answer that will let you have a baby. Well, the hard truth here is that this isn't a pop quiz, and there isn't one single infertility solution that will magically give you a baby
Tips to Conceive a Boy - 3 Natural and Proven Techniques
Just imagine how different your life can be, if you get complete hold of this situation and you decide which baby you want, a boy or a girl? Researchers have recently developed some natural techniques and tips to conceive a baby boy or a girl which can help people in choosing the gender of their bab
Thinking About a Water Birth For Your Baby?
Have you considered a water birth as part of your birth plan? All parents want their baby's arrival into this world to be as gentle and safe as possible. A water birth provides many benefits to both mother and baby during all stages of the birth. The following points outline a few of these bene
Is There an Alternative to IVF?
The more you worry about not conceiving the more stressed you will get. And stress is foremost in the general indirect causes of infertility. It brings about tightness in the neck muscles which affects the blood flow to the pituitary gland.
Options for Delivering a Baby After a C-Section
For nearly a generation, the majority of women who have had cesarean birth have been told by the medical establishment that any future births will also have to be C-sections. This advice was based primarily on the belief that a VBAC - vaginal birth after cesarean- might cause the scar from the previ
Secondhand Smoke Causes Pregnancy Problems
A new study on women's exposure to secondhand smoke sheds some light on the dangers that have previously only been alluded to in previous studies. This study