Danger of Drinking Alcohol During Pregnancy
Drinkable alcohol is produced from vegetables, grains and fruits by the process of fermentation.
As the food is fermented, it produces ethanol, that is, alcohol.
This beverage, while legal in many countries, but with age restrictions, is an addictive substance.
This intoxicating drink can cause someone to loose control over his or her entire body.
Solid food however, will help to slow this liquid from reaching the bloodstream and eventually travelling to other parts of the body which includes the brain.
When it reaches the brain, this is where the lack of control over the body takes place.
When alcohol enters the body, it usually leaves it by sweat and urine, through the working of the liver.
However, overtime, if the liver has to deal with uncontrolled among of this liquid, it may eventually cause damage to the liver.
With the fact that no part of the body is protected from the effects of this beverage, the same thing applies to the baby that a woman is carrying.
The alcohol will travel through her bloodstream and enters the baby's body.
For some, life begins at conception, while for others the term fetus is used.
A person who drinks during pregnancy can cause the baby to be born with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
FASD is a combination of several symptoms that a baby may be born with.
This includes but not limited to the inability of organs to work in the right way, physical growth challenges, vision and speech difficulty and difficulty dealing with emotional situations in a reasonable manner.
Presently, there is no known studies that suggest that there is a quantity of this liquid that a woman can drink during pregnancy and it will not affect the growth of the baby.
Since this is the case, it is usually recommended that a woman do not drink during this time.
However, it is also stated that alcohol affects the bodies of every woman differently.
As the food is fermented, it produces ethanol, that is, alcohol.
This beverage, while legal in many countries, but with age restrictions, is an addictive substance.
This intoxicating drink can cause someone to loose control over his or her entire body.
Solid food however, will help to slow this liquid from reaching the bloodstream and eventually travelling to other parts of the body which includes the brain.
When it reaches the brain, this is where the lack of control over the body takes place.
When alcohol enters the body, it usually leaves it by sweat and urine, through the working of the liver.
However, overtime, if the liver has to deal with uncontrolled among of this liquid, it may eventually cause damage to the liver.
With the fact that no part of the body is protected from the effects of this beverage, the same thing applies to the baby that a woman is carrying.
The alcohol will travel through her bloodstream and enters the baby's body.
For some, life begins at conception, while for others the term fetus is used.
A person who drinks during pregnancy can cause the baby to be born with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
FASD is a combination of several symptoms that a baby may be born with.
This includes but not limited to the inability of organs to work in the right way, physical growth challenges, vision and speech difficulty and difficulty dealing with emotional situations in a reasonable manner.
Presently, there is no known studies that suggest that there is a quantity of this liquid that a woman can drink during pregnancy and it will not affect the growth of the baby.
Since this is the case, it is usually recommended that a woman do not drink during this time.
However, it is also stated that alcohol affects the bodies of every woman differently.