Why Do My Feet Hurt And What Can I Do About It? Part 4

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Pain Diseases : Health & Medical

The Diagnosis Of Headaches Is A Surprisingly Difficult Task

Diagnosing a headache should be the simplest thing in the world because nearly all adults suffer from them and when you have one you surely know about it. However, despite the clear pain, diagnosing a headache is a bit more difficult than you might suppose.

When You Need Sciatica Pain Relief

Pain caused by sciatica is felt deep inside the leg and can be incredibly crippling. Sciatica can also cause tingling, numbness or weakness in the leg or a sharp burning feeling all of which are uncomfortable. Achieving sciatica pain relief permanently involves targeting the cause of the sciatica an

Sciatica and How Spinal Flossing Can Reduce Lower Back and Nerve Pain

Many people suffer from a type of back pain known as sciatica. The sciatic nerve is the longest and widest nerve in the human body, and a problem in any area of the spinal cord or this nerve can lead to the condition of sciatica. This painful situation is far too common in the general public, even t

Importance of Back Surgery

In general back surgery is the best option for a patient who has experienced severe accident. Back surgery is often performed by a surgeon whose skills have been tested through time. It is very important and mandatory for a patient to know the credibility of the surgeon when it comes to this issue.

How to Kill a Migraine

Modern medicine has linked migraine headaches to certain foods and hormones, specifically estrogen and progesterone. The National Headache Foundation states that almost 30 million Americans suffer from migraines--about 10 percent of the population. Several actions and tips can help make the migraine

Finger Joint Pain: The Common Causes

Finger joint pain can cause a lot of trouble and pain. It can affect your daily activities and be very hard to deal with. There are quite a few things that can be the causes of the joint pain.

Spectre of a Herniated Disc

The spectre of a herniated disc refers to the fear factor which has been build up in the back pain patient population relating to the common occurrence of bulging and ruptured intervertebral discs. There are no more frightening words in the orthopedic community than "herniated disc" and th

Intractable Migraine - People Who Are Susceptible to the Intractable Migraine

If you have an intractable migraine attack, then you cannot need medications for it. Intractable migraine called many terms (ocular, optical, visual, silent, ophthalmic, migraine aura without headache or typical aura with headaches). But the use of the migraine term doesn't mean that you are ex

Sciatica Explained

Your doctor says that burning pain into your buttocks is "sciatica," but your friend says his sciatica was in his toe! Exactly what is sciatica and is it different for everyone? This article explains what sciatica is in easy to understand language.

Do You Have Constant Pain Under Your Left Rib Cage?

Back pain under the left rib cage is a dilemma for all patients suffering from it. Any constant pain is viewed by doctors as a very serious disorder or disease and requires immediate attention and cure. The rib cage is a formation that is composed by the thoracic vertebrae and ribs, sternum-breastbo

What Causes Migraines?

StressContinuous stress can cause more then just your average tension headache--it can cause a migraine. Stress is brought on by busy lifestyles and the pressure to meet deadlines. Stress can also occur when you have financial worries or a personal crisis, such as a death in the family....

How To Make Aching Muscles Stop Complaining

Part of the whacked-out thyroid deal is muscles that stiffen, knot up, hurt and all but immobilize us. Here are four simple suggestions for getting rid of muscle pain.