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Pain Diseases : Health & Medical
Using a Wheat Bag for Heat Therapy to Treat Neck Pain
Many conditions can cause neck pain, many of these can be treated using a microwave wheat bag for heat therapy. The most common cause of shoulder pain and neck pain is injury to the soft tissues including the muscles, tendons, and ligaments within these structures. This can occur from whiplash or ot
No, You're Not Crazy, You Just Have Migraines
On last month's Managing Life with Migraines Teleconference with Dr. Roger Cady one of the things we discussed was living with the hyper-sensitive nervous system we have as Migraineurs. Dr. Cady helped us recognize that in caring for ourselves and our emotional health, we need to nurture the se
What Causes Headaches - Learn What Headaches Are and What Can Help You Avoid Them
Headaches are categorized as pounding, throbbing pains in your head which can occur in several degrees of pain intensity. This condition is something that most people face at least once in their lifetime. There are several types of headaches such as tension, sinus, migraine, allergy-related or low b
The nervous system processes both acute and chronic back or neck pain in a number of ways. Just what is hyperalgesia?
Is MSG A Trigger For Headaches?
Does Monosodium glutamate (MSG) cause headaches? It's a simple enough question but there seems to be no clear-cut answer. Research studies have been inconclusive. Many say that consuming MSG is not worse than eating a high salt diet. Others campaign vigorously against its use.
Lifting Injuries and Steps to Keeping a Healthy Back
There are many reasons people suffer very serious back injuries. Sometimes it has to do with pride. A man or woman feels like he or she is somehow inadequate it something cannot be done alone. So, he or she lifts way to large an object and ends up throwing out his or her back. This can end in excruc
How To Stop Arthritis Pain And Avoid Future Arthritis Flare-Ups
Many people are wondering how to stop arthritis pain. To date, medical science has yet to find an absolute cure for arthritis. However, there are smart and proven ways to stop your arthritis pain. Here are some effective ways to finally deal with it.
Pain, Emotion, and Functional Limits in Fibromyalgia
Get a handle on the complex nature of pain in women presenting with fibromyalgia.
Pain Relief From Mouth Thrush
Mouth thrush, also known as oral thrush, Candidiasis or Moniliasis, is caused by a yeast infection in the mouth that penetrates the membranes in the mouth. While everyone has some amount of Candida, triggers such as taking antibiotics, undergoing chemotherapy or having immunotherapy infections such
Migraine Mimics
The symptoms of migraine are non-specific and can be present in many other headache disorders. Learn some diagnostic tips and review other migraine mimics with these challenging case presentations.
Slipped Disc Treatment - How Can You Get Rid of That Extreme Pain Which You Have Been Enduring?
This article is about slipped disc treatment. Getting slipped disc treatment is something that everyone suffering from a slipped disc thinks about daily. It occupies their minds due to the mindboggling pain that can result from this condition. This article will look at 3 slipped disc treatments whic
Sciatic Nerve Surgery Facts
Are you staring in the face of sciatic nerve surgery? Once you have it, there is no going back. Get the facts now and learn how to avoid it.
Inversion Tables For Your Health
After working all day long or driving for miles, you probably have back pain or neck pain that makes you unable to do anything. If you experience this condition, what you need is an inversion table.
What Triggers Pain?
Do you sometimes feel pain in particular parts of your body? Do you sometimes feel like someone has hit your head because of the sudden pain? A lot of people are wondering what trigger these painful encounters.
Warm Up with Water Walking
Water exercise can be great for your back. It strengthens muscles and increases joint range of motion. Here is a short, simple water exercise routine to get you started.
Easy Guide to Choose the Right Back Support for Chairs
Whether suffering from chronic back pain or if your job requires you to sit for long hours leading to discomfort and pain in your back, back support for chairs can help relive the pain. But it is important to choose the right back support for chairs. Here are simple and easy tips to choose the right
What is a Herniated Disc?
In the course of working with many back pain sufferers, many who have been diagnosed with a disc injury ask me, "What is a herniated disc, anyway?" I am always amazed that their doctors have not taken the time to explain the exact nature of their spinal abnormality and am even more amazed
Back Problems: 5 Common Causes and Prevention Tips
WebMD identifies five common triggers for back pain at home, work, and play, and provides tips for preventing back problems.
Back Pain Treatment - Home Relief
Back Pain is one of the most alarming and complicated problems that a person can face medically. It can completely disable you, or annoy you just enough to keep your day rotten. Learning techniques to deal with this pain at home is becoming more and more important.
Low Back Pain and Sciatica - You Must Be Aware of the Red Flags
If you are suffering with low back pain or sciatica, it is vitally important you are familiar with the Red Flags associated with either of these conditions. Although extremely rare, if you do present with any of the red flags discussed in this article, it is important you visit your GP or health pro