Intractable Migraine - People Who Are Susceptible to the Intractable Migraine
If you have an intractable migraine attack, then you cannot need medications for it.
Intractable migraine called many terms (ocular, optical, visual, silent, ophthalmic, migraine aura without headache or typical aura with headaches).
But the use of the migraine term doesn't mean that you are experiencing a pain (headache).
This migraine Sufferers through this migraine type without knowing it was a migraine! It affects only one eye via having one of the following symptoms: 1- Blurred vision 2- Temporary blindness 3- Temporary one eye blindness (just a spot out eye, in the center or the peripheral side) 4- Zigzag lines 5- Flickering lights (this interferes with the sight) Intractable migraine might be accompanied with a pain (headache), but it is a rare condition.
The physical symptoms of this migraine are fatigue, nausea, vomiting and heightened light or sounds sensitivity.
Why does this migraine occur? This migraine form attack two parts of your head: the vision center in the brain stem and your eyes itself.
It is resulting from the spasm of the blood vessels behind your eyes.
Patients who are more susceptible to having this migraine are the following: 1- Females in general (physicians have shown that more women suffer from this migraine than men) 2- A person who was a patient of one of the following: depression, epilepsy, sickle disease (it is a genetic disease of the body blood that gives abnormal cells of the blood which have many difficulties in passing through blood vessels) 3- Possibly men or women under forty ages There are many common intractable migraine reasons such as salty foods, caffeine, chocolates, cheeses, mono sodium glutamate foods (MSG foods) and stress.
Intractable migraine called many terms (ocular, optical, visual, silent, ophthalmic, migraine aura without headache or typical aura with headaches).
But the use of the migraine term doesn't mean that you are experiencing a pain (headache).
This migraine Sufferers through this migraine type without knowing it was a migraine! It affects only one eye via having one of the following symptoms: 1- Blurred vision 2- Temporary blindness 3- Temporary one eye blindness (just a spot out eye, in the center or the peripheral side) 4- Zigzag lines 5- Flickering lights (this interferes with the sight) Intractable migraine might be accompanied with a pain (headache), but it is a rare condition.
The physical symptoms of this migraine are fatigue, nausea, vomiting and heightened light or sounds sensitivity.
Why does this migraine occur? This migraine form attack two parts of your head: the vision center in the brain stem and your eyes itself.
It is resulting from the spasm of the blood vessels behind your eyes.
Patients who are more susceptible to having this migraine are the following: 1- Females in general (physicians have shown that more women suffer from this migraine than men) 2- A person who was a patient of one of the following: depression, epilepsy, sickle disease (it is a genetic disease of the body blood that gives abnormal cells of the blood which have many difficulties in passing through blood vessels) 3- Possibly men or women under forty ages There are many common intractable migraine reasons such as salty foods, caffeine, chocolates, cheeses, mono sodium glutamate foods (MSG foods) and stress.