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Electronics : Technology

How to Put a Wireless Camera in a Remote Location

Wireless Photography brings together the medium's creative and technical aspects. This is not a simple task, you must first understand the basics of photography and your equipment. Cameras and wireless shutters can be expensive, and there are always new products entering the market, so it is best to

How to Activate a New SIM Card With T-Mobile

T-Mobile phones rely on subscriber identity module (SIM) cards to work. If you need a replacement SIM card, you can acquire a new one on T-Mobile's website and, in most cases, they will send you a new one for free. Once you receive the card, T-Mobile can activate it for you.

iPhone Audio Formats: What Audio File Types Can the iPhone Play?

What audio formats does the iPhone actually support? This is a question you may well ask if you are going to play digital music files on it. You probably already know that it can play songs in the AAC format which the iTunes Store uses, but what other file types can it handle? To find out all the ot

How to Use RF Modulators

The advent of DVD players and home video game systems has transformed the world of home entertainment. For some people, however, the switch has not been so easy. People with older televisions--which lack audio/video inputs--are not able to hook many of these devices directly up to their TVs. Enter t

Angle Photography Tips

One of the best ways for a beginning- to intermediate-level photographer to improve his or her skills is to learning about how lighting and angles affect photographic results.

Compare the GS250 & GS400

Made by Panasonic, the PV-GS250 and the PV-GS400 are digital video camcorders with similar features and specifications. They are both equipped with a 3CCD sensor for true-to-life color rendering, since it dedicates one chip to each of the three colors: blue, green and red. These camcorders can plug

Bulk SMS Gateway and Software Provider in India

Apart from the above services, these companies also provide two-way messaging benefits to all the users. It uses a keyword as identifier of your messages. This can be done via short code solution or l

How to Edit Flip HD Video

Flip is a lineup of cameras that record compressed video onto an inserted SD memory card. Flip also has a lineup of portable HD video cameras that, once it is recorded, allow you to upload the video content onto a computer via the USB plug that flips out of the side of the camera (thus the name "Fli

Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper

This is a unique shooter game with real packed actions. This game entails ancient warring Samurai Warriors and Dynasty Warriors. It is about the most common and strong heroes. They tend to use the smallest ...

Sony Ericsson Tricks

There are a plethora of tricks available to Sony Ericsson users at the simple tap of a woman on cell phone image by Susan Rae Tannenbaum from Fotolia.comLike all cell phones, a Sony Ericsson can be difficult to master upon first glance, as is to be expected with all new...

New Video and DVD Releases

Let's take a look at this weeks new movies on video and DVD, along with a few additional releases of interest, and take a sneak peek at next week's movies on video/DVD.

How to Record TV to an iMac

Most iMacs do not have standard TV input connections; the ones that do have HDMI input do not allow recording TV broadcasts. To record TV broadcasts on your iMac, use a third-party USB device that can connect audiovisual cables from your cable box, digital receiver or other method of receiving broad

How to Check Voice Mail on a Cell Phone

Voice-mail service allows your callers to leave messages on your mobile phone when you are unable to accept their call. This service is offered by many service providers for free with a subscription to a mobile account. The voice-mail phone number is stored in most mobile phones, if the phone is pro

What Causes Damage to a Flat Screen TV?

Flat screen TV's, both LCD and plasma, have very sensitive screens. In some cases, damage to pixels or screens can be repaired, but in many cases screen damage can't be fixed and you'll have to replace the set. It is important to take all precautions and properly maintain your flat screen TV to prev

How to Get Rid of Your Old Satellite Dish

Satellite dishes become obsolete like other electronics and eventually need replacing. And like old VCRs, televisions and other electronics, you are left with not only the satellite dish, but also cables, screws and other hardware related to the dish. You don't want to toss the old dish in your home