Sony Ericsson Tricks
- There are a plethora of tricks available to Sony Ericsson users at the simple tap of a woman on cell phone image by Susan Rae Tannenbaum from
Like all cell phones, a Sony Ericsson can be difficult to master upon first glance, as is to be expected with all new cells. However, with the simple tap of a few keys, you can open up your cell phone to a multitude of secrets and tricks. Just entering a few key sequences can now grant you and your Sony Ericsson access to service tests, camera options and even a few sneaky tricks. - Little do most Sony Ericsson users know, there is a secret menu available to them. To access this secret menu, simply key in to your phone the following instructions, removing the speech marks; '> * < < * < *'. For reference, < means to push your cell's joystick to the left and > means to push it to the right. This new menu will allow you to access information such as your service information, contrast and an LED/illumination test.
- When using your cell phone's camera application, there are several ways to edit your photo options with the tap of a key. To change your phone's resolution, tap "1." To turn night mode on or off, tap "2." To gain access to your camera's special effects, tap "3," and to use your camera's self-timer, simply tap "4." Turning your cell's volume up and down will alter the brightness, whereas moving the joystick up and down will alter your camera's zoom.
- Sony Ericsson also are able to keep tabs on anyone simply with the help of their cell phone. To do so, simply activate the "Automatic Answer" option in the headset profile of your cell and set your ringing volume to "Mute." Once you have done this, ensure that you have an earphone connected to your cell. Place your cell phone under a table in any given room and call it. You will now be able to listen to the conversation in the room as the cell will receive the call without ringing; therefore you will be able to hear the conversation clearly.
Miscellaneous Secrets
Camera Use
The Detective Trick