How to Grind Mill Wheat With KitchenAid Appliances

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Eating & Food : Health & Medical

How to Store Bacon Grease

Ask any southern cook and they’ll tell you that one of the secrets to fine southern cuisine is bacon grease. If you’ve never been to the south, this may seem a bit absurd. If you’re health conscious, it may even seem ghastly. What you don’t know is that bacon grease makes

Simple Baked Salmon with Garlic

This easy baked salmon recipe is flavored with lots of garlic, parsley, and lemon juice. Serve this flavorful salmon on a bed of kale or spinach.

Hone Your Cooking Skills in the Texas Hill Country

Thanks to the popularity of channels such as the Food Network, and a plethora of tempting gourmet cooking magazines, more and more adults are taking cooking out of the 'chore' area and labeling it a h

How to increase the online sale of wines

White wines range in color very pale, almost clear through rich, deep golden reflections. They are mainly made from white grapes or grape anthocyanins and tannins.

How to Use Measuring Cups in Cooking

Measuring cups allow you to make precise ingredient measurements when cooking or baking. Two different types of measuring cups are available for measuring liquid and dry ingredients. Dry measuring cups come in 1/8, 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, 3/4 and 1 cup sizes. Liquid measuring cups are typically availabl

Orange Marmalade

An orange marmalade recipe with oranges and lemons.

Easy, Hassle-free Chicken Recipe

I know everyone of us is looking for a breakfast for an easy and fast track meal is it? Doing breakfast while in the road, walking, travelling, or going to office because it is convenient most especially to youngsters (Young professional) like you! This is what almost all busy individuals most prefe

Las Vegas Most Outrageous Cocktails

Las Vegas has a drink that's perfect for you. Make sure to bring your American Express though, some of the world's most expensive cocktails can be found on the Las Vegas strip.

How to Get Rid of the Fishy Smell in Shrimp

As shrimp ages its odor becomes more pungent. Older shrimp will take on an iodine flavor and smell. If the odor is too strong, it may be an indication that the shrimp is no longer safe to eat. If the shrimp is still safe to eat but is not fresh and has a strong iodine smell, there is a way to remo

2007 Oscar Party Candy Recipes

Stumped over what to serve at your Oscar viewing party? Try these themed candies, designed to accompany some of the most prominent nominated movies.

How to Make Good Ice Cubes

Making ice cubes is as simple as pouring water into an ice cube tray and leaving it in the freezer, but the cubes made this way aren't quite as good as they could be. Good, clear ice cubes are easy to make, but they do require a little extra energy. There are a few scientific reasons that the basic

Vegan Chocolate Cheesecake

Dairy-Free Cakes. This collection of dairy-free cake recipes is perfect for people with lactose-intolerance, milk allergies, and vegans, filled with dairy free cakes suitable for birthdays and other celebrations.