How to Grind Mill Wheat With KitchenAid Appliances
- 1). Flip the cover over the hole on the front of your mixer into the up position, or turn the knob next to the attachment hole counterclockwise to loosen it.
- 2). Insert the shaft of the grain mill attachment into the hole.
- 3). Plug in the stand mixer.
- 4). Turn the dial on the front of the grain mill attachment to point toward the desired size of grain: fine indicated by the picture of smaller circles or coarser shown with larger circles.
- 5). Fill the top of the mill with the wheat berries and place the stand mixer bowl under the grain mill.
- 6). Turn the mixer onto speed 10 to grind 1 cup wheat berries in the hopper into 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 cups of flour which will fall into the bowl.
- 7). Shut off the mixer and allow the parts to cool before removing the grain mill attachment to rinse before storing.