How to Repair Handrails
- 1). Sand the area of the handrail in need of repair with a medium-grit sanding block. Remove the paint around the area of the damage by sanding in the same direction of the grain
- 2). Brush the damaged area with a wire brush to further remove any debris from the area.
- 3). Apply a coat of epoxy primer to the damaged area with a poly brush. Allow the primer to set up for about five minutes or as directed.
- 4). Fill the damaged area with epoxy filler using a putty knife. Pack the filler into the repair tightly and leave a slightly raised area of filler over the repair. Allow the filler to dry.
- 5). Sand the filler flush with the surface of the handrail in the same direction of the grain of the handrail.
- 6). Paint the repaired area of the handrail with a primer and top coat using a paintbrush. Allow the primer to dry between coats.