My 1988 Jeep Cherokee Won't Start
- 1). Inspect the Jeep's battery connections for loose, or corroded, terminals. Loose terminals can provide adequate current for rotating the starter and engine, but not enough to create adequate spark for starting. Clean the battery posts with a wire brush and tighten the terminal connections with two small crescent wrenches.
- 2). Check the quality and quantity of fuel in the gas tank. Dirty fuel, or fuel contaminated with water, will prevent the engine from starting. Take a small fuel sample into a glass jar and observe for cloudy bubbles, or signs of dirt. If either are noticeable in the fuel, drain the fuel tank and refill with fresh, clean, gas.
- 3). Remove the air filter by un-clipping the air filter housing clamps. Inspect the air filter for signs of excessive dirt or build-up. A clogged air filter will prevent the engine from getting enough air for proper combustion. Replace the air filter with a new one if it is dirty.
- 4). Remove two or three of the spark plugs with a socket wrench and extension. Observe the ends of the plugs for signs of fouling or excessive carbon or oil build-up. If the plugs appear burnt or fouled, replace them all with new ones. Worn, or improperly firing, sparkplugs will prevent the Jeep from starting properly.
- 5). Replace the fuel filter if the Jeep has experienced a tank of bad gas, or has over 100,000 miles on it. A clogged or restricted fuel filter will prevent fuel from reaching the combustion chamber, and will not allow the Jeep's engine to start.