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Health & Medical

Stress Management: Problem Land or Solution Land

Its almost become a national past time. Just check out a talk show or a self help book. Almost all the time and space is spent describing, giving examples, and complaining about the problem, with, if were lucky, only a glimpse at possible solutions.

Kabbalah - The Science of the Concealed

Some people think of Kabbalah as a mystery, a new age religion, mysticism, or magic. In fact, Kabbalah is none of these, yet even Kabbalists call it "a concealed wisdom." At first, this seems like a paradox: How can Kabbalah be something that's "concealed," yet not be a myst

Money Is Energy - Lessons From Mentors

Attracting money into your life is something most of the planet wants to know how to do better. What they don't realize is that money, like anything else is attracted by the right energy. If you're thinking thoughts of debt, you'll attract debt. Learning how to attract money is done b

Moving Forward Through Building Momentum

Living life can be beautiful if you simply think it to be beautiful. You need not hesitate to allow yourself to achieve what you wish from life. Thus, you simply need to be sure of what you want and you will be given an equivalent part of life that meets your inner most desires.

Getting Along With Others

First thing one should always be aware of is that people come in different shapes forms and sizes. This includes different personalities and way one perceives things to be in their life. Being aware of these things helps one to be more open minded with dealing with differences in other people. Part

It's time to buy a good survival kit?

During these tough times we really don't want to have to think about spending more money, but this is something that is very important and we all should get some sort of an emergency kit. ...

Bob's Ride

What have you done recently that was completely and utterly new, out of your comfort zone? What will it mean in your life when you do?

Bible Verses - Encouraging Inspirational Bible Verses

Tragic and heartbreaking situations can occur in life at any moment and test the courage of even the strongest individuals. These troubling events can take the form of an unexpected death, serious illness or accident, job loss, foreclosure, bankruptcy, divorce, home destruction or ID theft. They can

The Secret Of Successful Personal Development

In your search for the secret to successful personal development you begin to study the people you come in contact with. After persistent searching, you find that there are a lucky few, who in addition to a plan, also have a burning desire to achieve something that will be a life changing experience

You Don't Get A Second Chance To Make First Impression

How much do you believe in yourself? Does your image and appearance show it. Making ourselves a little better on the outside can dramatically change the way we feel about ourselves on the inside.It can also create different pathes on our road to success.Be the best you that you can be.

I Dream a Dream - Do You?

Do you have a long standing dream that you still haven't achieved? Have you thought about giving up on your dream? Do you have a dream that you have given up on? How long do you keep your dreams alive for? Read this article to find out my take on it.

Cheap Custom Shirts

If you want to express your individuality, you can wear cheap custom shirts. This is the reason of many individuals who are wearing this. Finding a custom shirt is so easy and even you can make one by yourself.

Why Big Success Is Rare

You probably know that you have three ruthless enemies within you who will do anything to sabotage your success. They are doubt, fear, and uncertainty. It is their job to stop you dead in your ...

Are You Worth Investing In?

Do you realise that if you're green you're growing and if you're ripe you're rotten? So says Winston Marsh, Business Marketing Guru in his recent newsletter. Here's and excerpt from it ... "Over the ...