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Dog Breeds : Pets & Animal
Dog Training - Teaching Rover to Come
Most of the time your puppy will come when you call him. Notice we said most of the time. That is not enough.
How to Choose a Dog That is Right For You
If you are considering getting a new dog to join the rest of your family, then you will want to know about all of the different things that can make a real difference in the kind of dog you end up with. It is immensely important that you take enough time and consideration to make this decision, espe
Dog Allergies Treatment - Help For Itchy Dogs
The most common reaction to allergens in dogs are skin problems. The primary symptoms are licking, biting, and scratching. Skin problems can be difficult to diagnose because there are so many different causes.
Agility Training For Dogs - Things That You Should Know
Agility training for dogs is beneficial in a number of ways. For one, it offers a great bonding experience for both the dog and the handler.
The Best Dogs for Invalids
Dogs can provide a source of companionship and safety for image by Michal Tudek from Fotolia.comDogs are often referred to as "man's best friend" because of their genial and friendly behavior. Dogs are frequently purchased to be the family pet, which requires them to be...
Canine Bladder Enlargement Problems and Prevention
When was the last time you thought about your pet's bladder health? Canine bladder enlargement is not something you think about every time your dog has inconsistent trips to do his business. But canine bladder enlargement and urinary track infections can be rather common, especially in female d
How to Be Owned by an Irish Wolfhound
One does not so much "own" an Irish Wolfhound, as be "owned by" an Irish Wolfhound.What?"Owned" by a dog?Whatever can that mean... Ha!You've obviously never met an Irish Wolfhound!
Treatments for Liver and Lung Cancer in Dogs
Dogs are susceptible to cancers of the liver and lungs just as humans are. The cancer is believed to come from similar sources. Liver cancer in dogs is a result of exposure to and ingestion of toxic substances. Lung cancer in dogs can be due to pollution and exposure to second-hand smoke.
Dressing Up Your Dog
It doesn't matter if it is Halloween, Christmas or a walk in the park, your dog can look great in any of the fashionable outfits that are available for your pooch. There wouldn't be wardrobes for dog clothes available if there wasn't a calling for them. You can get hangers, closets an
Standard Schnauzer Puppy And Dog Information
The Standard Schnauzer can live in an apartment as it can get most of her exercise needs indoors. They are very protective dogs and should be socialized to people, pets and situations when young. They generally get along with other dogs and pets but again should be socialized.
Keep Your Dog Healthy With the Best Dog Food
The majority of dog owners don't look too much into what their dog or puppy is eating, beyond getting food that is made for their breed. The problem is that many store bought foods are largely made up of filler rather than actual meat, so your dog might not be getting the nutrition it requires
Extra Large Dog Houses For the Great Pyrenees
With their long thick fair fur, jet black noses, and extra large size, the friendly faces you'd be looking into may sound like and look a little like a polar bear cub but these are the beautiful breed of domestic dog known as the Great Pyrenees. The dogs were bread as protectors against predato
Keeping Our Dogs Healthy
When feeding our pets, we must consider the dietary intolerances in dogs. A lot of times, we let our dogs have the food we are eating without knowing if it is safe for them or not. We must be careful with what we feed our pets to make sure that they stay healthy and active. Just like humans, some do
How To Teach Your Dog Not To Bark Loudly At The Wrong Time
Every dog that's ever lived has barked. And some people don't like it. Especially when its loud, "unnecessary" barking. My own take on this is that some barking is fine because it's the sound of a contented dog telling the world what he thinks. But if the owner can turn off
Cute Canine Cookies Make Delectable Dog Treats!
Here are some simple recipes that are fast and fun and your dog will love them!What a great Christmas treat or just a special treat for your pet anytime!
Mind Your Dog Park Manners
A dog park is a great place to socialize your pet, but not all dogs are ready for an off-leash experience like this. Remember the dog park is a privilege. Observe a few common sense rules to make the experience as successful as possible.
Why is My Dog Losing Weight? Dog Weight Loss Causes and Treatment
If your dog is losing weight, and there has been no change to his diet and lifestyle, a sudden loss of weight may be a cause for concern. There are three main reasons for such weight loss in dogs, and we will have a look at each one in turn...
Schipperke - Choosing the Breed of Dog That's Right For You
Getting a dog can change your life. This article is a basic overview of one particular breed -- a Schipperke. Read on to decide if this breed of dog is compatible with your particular lifestyle.
Two Reasons Your Dog May Suffer From Separation Anxiety
Oh, No! You and your dog - separated! Well, that's how your dog feels about it. Separation anxiety is a pretty common problem with dogs.
How to Train Your Dogs - Some Basics in Dog Training
One very important aspect of owning and having pet dogs is learning how to train your dogs - from toilet training to some basic obedience training. Of course, it is a great thing for pet owners to have a well-behaved dog that does not cause havoc in your home and in your neighborhood as well.