Helping Your Puppy Socialize
When it comes to bringing in a new puppy, the first thing that people think about is how to house break the puppy.
While that is a good thing, there is a very important thing that too many people forget about and that is socializing the puppy.
If the puppy is not properly socialized at a young age and then through its adult life, it can become very scared or aggressive around other dogs and people.
This is not something that you want as not only is it not a fun thing for your dog, but you could end up in the middle of a lawsuit if your dog bites another dog or person.
It is important to start right away and help your puppy through the socialization process.
There are many ways to go about it but no matter which way you decide on, it is important to always be there for your puppy and to make it a fun and rewarding experience for the puppy.
If you are stressed or you are giving the puppy the feeling that you really do not want to be there, neither will it.
Your puppy will often pick up on your feelings and emotions and mimic them.
Because of this, you must stay positive.
Pets of Friends If you have any friends or family that have puppies or at least pleasant and well behaved adult dogs, make sure that you make use of that situation.
Get the dogs together for a play date, even if it is one time a week.
Spend an hour or two allowing the dogs to hang out in the same area together.
Even if they do not end up playing, they are at least getting a little interaction and socializing a little.
This little bit of time spent together can really do the puppy a lot of good.
Pet Stores There are many chain pet stores that will allow you to bring your puppy in the store while you shop.
As long as it is up to date on its shots and it is on a leash, you can take your puppy to weekly pet store visits.
Even if you are not buying anything, simply stroll around the store and do a little browsing.
You will find a lot of great things that you will want to purchase in the future and you will be helping your puppy to socialize.
Not only will your puppy get to socialize with other puppies and adult dogs that are brought into the store, but they will also get to meet a lot of people.
Since there are many people walking around the store, this allows your dog to see that people are nice and nothing to be afraid of.
Training Classes Dog training classes are great places for your puppy to socialize with people and other dogs alike.
And since your pup will learn a new trick or two in the process, this is something that should really be looked into.
The classes are short and do not cost very much at all so make sure to check those out.
In the end, as long as you are taking whatever steps needed to socialize your puppy, you will have an animal that grows into a well-behaved pet in no time at all.
While that is a good thing, there is a very important thing that too many people forget about and that is socializing the puppy.
If the puppy is not properly socialized at a young age and then through its adult life, it can become very scared or aggressive around other dogs and people.
This is not something that you want as not only is it not a fun thing for your dog, but you could end up in the middle of a lawsuit if your dog bites another dog or person.
It is important to start right away and help your puppy through the socialization process.
There are many ways to go about it but no matter which way you decide on, it is important to always be there for your puppy and to make it a fun and rewarding experience for the puppy.
If you are stressed or you are giving the puppy the feeling that you really do not want to be there, neither will it.
Your puppy will often pick up on your feelings and emotions and mimic them.
Because of this, you must stay positive.
Pets of Friends If you have any friends or family that have puppies or at least pleasant and well behaved adult dogs, make sure that you make use of that situation.
Get the dogs together for a play date, even if it is one time a week.
Spend an hour or two allowing the dogs to hang out in the same area together.
Even if they do not end up playing, they are at least getting a little interaction and socializing a little.
This little bit of time spent together can really do the puppy a lot of good.
Pet Stores There are many chain pet stores that will allow you to bring your puppy in the store while you shop.
As long as it is up to date on its shots and it is on a leash, you can take your puppy to weekly pet store visits.
Even if you are not buying anything, simply stroll around the store and do a little browsing.
You will find a lot of great things that you will want to purchase in the future and you will be helping your puppy to socialize.
Not only will your puppy get to socialize with other puppies and adult dogs that are brought into the store, but they will also get to meet a lot of people.
Since there are many people walking around the store, this allows your dog to see that people are nice and nothing to be afraid of.
Training Classes Dog training classes are great places for your puppy to socialize with people and other dogs alike.
And since your pup will learn a new trick or two in the process, this is something that should really be looked into.
The classes are short and do not cost very much at all so make sure to check those out.
In the end, as long as you are taking whatever steps needed to socialize your puppy, you will have an animal that grows into a well-behaved pet in no time at all.