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Dog Breeds : Pets & Animal

Dog Kennel Cleaning Tips

Zwei Hunde/ two dogs image by nicora from Fotolia.comKeeping your pet's outdoor kennel as clean and fresh as possible is just as important to good pet health as proper feeding and grooming. If your dog spends a lot of time outdoors, schedule time every week to clean the kennel, bedding,...

Agressive Dog Behavior

There are many kinds of aggressive behavior among dogs. I am going to outline a few so you can relate to what is going on with your aggressive dog in hope to help fix the problem.

Service For Pet Dogs' Toenails

Dogs may be pets, but for some people dogs are family too. Dogs are big babies - and babies have to be fed, cleaned, and taken cared of.

Clicker Training - The Basics

Clicker training is perhaps the best way in training your dogs for obedience and for ensuring that they have know how to behave inside the house and outside. Training with a clicker is also a great way to teach tricks to dogs so that they can amuse their masters and some people.

How to Care for English Pointer Ears

English pointers are medium-sized dogs that are commonly used for hunting thanks to their sharp and sensitive noses. English pointers have a ton of energy, so it's no wonder they might get dirty during play and their floppy ears are no exception. While brushing and the occasional bath are important,

Home-Cooked Meals for Dogs

In March of 2007 several brands of pet food were recalled after dogs and cats began getting sick and dying. Authorities eventually discovered that the vegetable proteins in the food were being imported from China and that they were contaminated. As of May 2011, 998 pet foods and veterinary products

Comparing Electronic Dog Fences

Modern electronic dog fences provide the option for containing your dog in your yard without the extreme cost of a traditional fence. They offer your pet the run of the yard without fear of running away and getting hurt or hit by a car.

Dog House Warming Gifts

When you move your family to a new home, it is a big adjustment for everyone involved. You're in a new environment with new neighbors, new schools, and new jobs. One important family member not to be forgotten is your family dog. Dogs often have a difficult time adjusting to a new surrounding so mak

English Bulldog Training - Proper Steps

English bulldogs are wide breed of dogs. Training them can both be fun and challenging because of their size. Let's find out what are the proper steps for English bulldog training.

Dog Neutering Procedures

When it comes to the welfare of our pets, most owners are as much concerned that their dogs have the right lifestyle as they are that their animals are well nurtured. Part of this lifestyle must revolve around the decision to spay or neuter their dog. Unless you wish to breed the anima

How to Make a Splint for a Dog's Shoulder

In veterinary medicine there is rarely a reason or way to effectively splint a dog's shoulder. Instead, a method of wrapping the shoulder, so it is constantly in a flexed position is used. This method, called a Velpeau sling, prevents the dog from bearing weight upon his leg and causing further dama

How to Train Westies on Leads

West Highland White Terriers, colloquially known as Westies, have earned a reputation as adorable petite dogs with an elfin face. That precocious appearance belies a strong, astute personality that requires a trainer just as bright as the canine. An education in properly walking while leashed can he

How to Adopt a Dog Online

Many people of the world believe in this myth that no do deserves to die in this world. But this is the real fact that many families throw out their pet dogs when into some unknown area when they intend to borrow or buy a new one.

Types of Boxer Mix Dogs

When deciding what dog to have in your home, there are many things to consider. If you have children or other pets then you need a breed that will be good in this situation. You want to be guaranteed that you can allow your children to play with your dog, with no worries.

Silky Terrier Puppy And Dog Information

The Silky Terrier is a loving, energy dog. They are good watch dogs, although they can tend to be barkers. They can be kept in an apartment as they are small enough to get most of there exercise needs indoors. They are good with other dogs but must be extensively socialized with other pets.

Finding a Dog That Sheds Less

It is a little known fact but there are certain breeds of dogs that people consider to be hypoallergenic. You would imagine then that these breeds would be of the short haired kind but you would be wrong. Not all of these dogs are of the short haired kind at all such as Yorkshire terrier or even the

Recovery Time for Dogs With Pulled Muscles

Dogs, like humans, are prone to muscle injuries. A pulled muscle in a dog is damage to its soft muscle tissue and can be caused by a variety of activities. While recovery time varies depending on the severity of the injury, you can expedite your dog's rehabilitation by being well-versed in the sympt

What Is Involved With Therapy Dog Training?

Many people are familiar with seeing-eye dogs or assistance dogs, those that directly help persons with disabilities.Seeing-eye dogs are assigned to those that are blind whereas assistance dogs may help those that are deaf, in wheelchairs, or who have any number of other disabilities.Beyond a seeing

How to Increase Healing in Dog Wounds

It's not unusual for active, healthy dogs to sustain minor cuts and scrapes as they play. Fortunately, dogs heal very quickly, and most of the time these injuries will mend on their own if left to dry in the open air. There will be times, however, when a cut is too deep or the dog is too frisky to a

Dog UTI Treatments

Humans and dogs are commonly affected by UTI or urinary tract infection. The symptoms are basically the same in dogs as in humans. Bacteria such as e-coli build up in one of the organs of the urinary tract. If left untreated, it can spread to other organs and even be fatal to your pet.