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Dog Breeds : Pets & Animal

Food & Skin Testing

Allergies are common in dogs. Pet Education claims that atopy (inhaled irritants), flea bites and food are the three most common causes of allergies in canines. Allergies cause dogs to itch, scratch and shed, among other things that can make a dog miserable. Two ways allergens are identified are foo

AKC Dog Breed Information

The American Kennel Club (AKC) is a dog registry that was started in 1884 as a "'Club of Clubs'," according to the organization's "About" section on its website. Breeds registered with the AKC are separated into groups based on the breed's history and characteristics. Along with the breed groups, th

Treating a Bee Sting on a Dog

Dogs are curious, anything that moves in their vicinity is going to get explored. Also, dogs use their mouths and noses to examine things that move about in their world. This is a recipe for your dog running and howling to you with a bee stinger attached to him somewhere. Bee stings on dogs are comm

How to Select an American Staffordshire Terrier

The American Staffordshire terrier, cousin to the American bull terrier, is descended from the bulldog and terrier and was first bred in the United States in the 1800s as a fighting dog. With its wide head and cropped ears, the American Staffordshire terrier is friendly and gentle with people.

Bichon Terrier Puppies: In Vogue "Designer" Breed

In recent years, there has been an increasing interest among breeders as to what will be produced when you cross two different breeds of dogs. Bichon Terrier puppies are good examples of these so-called "designer dogs". Bichon Terrier puppies are known by a variety of nicknames, including

Dog Containment Devices - For Loss and Trouble Free Pet Care

Feeding and taking good care for your pets are not enough. As life creatures, giving them freedom and understanding their emotional states are equally important matters in establishing a healthy and happy relationship with your dog.

Tips to Stop Dog Barking

Dog barking troubles cause severe commotion for dog owners, and for their neighbors. A dog that barks nonstop will be an absolute nuisance to anyone living around it. If you are not careful, as a dog owner you could be subject to noise ordinance violations which cost you money and you might even los

Dog Training Techniques That Work Best

Giving your dog the best of training seems easy and interesting once you know how. Just ensure you establish yourself as their true boss and their response will interest you.

Kennel Cough Shots for Dogs

Kennel cough is not just one disease but is actually a condition caused by several types of viruses and bacteria that are highly contagious. Kennel cough is an upper respiratory disease that can cause serious coughing and hacking in dogs.

Pregnant Dog & Puppy Care

Caring for a pregnant dog and her puppies is just as important as taking proper care of a pregnant woman. By caring for her health before, during and after birth, you can minimize complications with the pregnancy and reduce the risk to her puppies. The average dog is pregnant for about 63 days, but

How to Train Pit Bull Puppies

Pit bulls are one of the most feared dog breeds on the planet. Considered by many to be inherently aggressive toward humans and animals alike, the breed has been unfairly targeted as killers. When properly raised and trained, pit bull puppies can grow up to be loyal, loving companions.

How to Leash Train an Adult Dog

You might live in an area that is not a good environment for leash training your puppy. It might be a crowded apartment complex, where it is too noisy and there are far too many distractions. But then your puppy morphs into adulthood, and you and Fido move to a more spacious area where there are tra

Things to Consider When Getting a Dog

There are pros and cons to adopting a mutt as opposed to buying a purebred dog. Two things you need to consider when getting a dog are the temperament and size of the dog. Are you going to be the sole owner, or are there other people who live with you?

How to Find Pictures of Cockapoo Dogs

The cockapoo dog is a mixed breed that is the result of a cross between a poodle and a cocker spaniel. They are cute dogs that have been popular for many years. There are many places to find pictures of cockapoo dogs.

Old Dogs Incontinence - Ideas That Can Help

Old dogs incontinence usually has several causes including cognitive issues, muscle weakness or illness such as bacterial infection and bladder stones. There are conventional and natural homeopathic treatment options that can help with each of these. The only incontinence in an older dog problem tha

Symptoms of Canine Hyperthyroidism

Although uncommon in dogs, hyperthyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland produces excessive amounts of hormones. Symptoms begin appearing in dogs between 4 and 6 years of age. The excessive hormone production can result in unwanted symptoms in the affected dog that should be treated to p