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Dog Breeds : Pets & Animal
Dog Boarding and Its Many Benefits
For people with pets it is a constant worry when you have to travel either on vacation or a business trip, leaving behind your best friend. You would have had instances in the past where you had to leave your dog under somebody else's care or would have had somebody visiting your home on a dail
Pepper Spray For Dogs - The Best Defense Against Rabid Dogs
Dogs can be man's best friends or worst enemies. You never quite know which it's going to be, and that's where pepper spray for dogs comes into play.
How to Stop a Dog From Growling When Playing
Growling is one of the ways that dogs communicate. When playing a game of tug of war with a toy, growling signifies that they are willing to be aggressive in order to win the game. Some dogs need to be trained to understand when growling is appropriate. A dog should growl when there is imminent da
Dog Nutrition - Homemade Recipes
When you consider dog nutrition you may be better off with homemade recipes. Some commercial dog foods are not really very good for our pets.
Teach Your Puppy Dog Not to Bite
All puppies seem to want to bite and all puppies should be taught to change this habit. A lot of characteristics that you find cute in your puppy, such as jumping on you or nibbling on your arm, must be corrected before your dog gets too big.
What You Must Know Before Bringing Fido Home
Adding a dog to your life can be one of the best experiences ever - or an absolute nightmare -depending on how much thought and planning youve put into this decision. You need to consider-
Can Dogs Be Left Home Alone? The Secrets to Success
Just like human beings become distressed when lonely, dogs develop separation anxiety due to loneliness. This article discusses the psychological impact on leaving your dog alone, and what you can do to help your dog cope with being alone.
Dog Bowl - Slow Down an Overeating Pooch
Canine obesity can become a problem if dog owners do not take the proper precautions with their pet. This article provides reasons why dog owners should encourage their pet to eat slower and describes some of the best methods for doing so.
DIY Dog Bed Project
If you don't like it when your dog jumps into bed with you in the middle of the night, make it a bed of its own. A dog bed will not only provide your dog with comfort, but you as well. Dog beds are small and padded, and are often covered in a soft material. To make a dog bed at home, use a fluffy pi
How to Handle Mastiffs That Pull on the Lead
Mastiffs are a huge dog and they can easily pull many of us off our feet if we are not paying attention. However, if you are like me you do pay attention and even then your Mastiff can pull hard on the lead and cause you to take a few steps to regain your footing.
Dog Care and Nutrition:How to Raise a Healthy Dog
Your dog depends on you for all his nutritional requirements. Proper nutrition is essential for a healthy pet to help resist disease and illness, to maintain a lean, healthy weight, and to give your furry friend a shiny coat.Learn what you can do to keep your dog health.
American Boxer Breed Characteristics
The boxer's signature characteristic is his blunt muzzle.boxer dog image by Eva Bell from Fotolia.comThe American Boxer is a term for a relatively new variety of dog with a slightly smaller, sleeker appearance and less boxy head than the traditional German Boxer. The American Kennel Club...
How to Massage a Cow
Like many animals, cows like being petted, brushed and massaged. While it might not be common knowledge, there are actually devices sold for this specific purpose. Farmers can attest to not only the advantages of massaging cows but also how much the animals enjoy it. According to the DeLaval company
What in the World is Kennel Cough?
Has your dog spent any time at a kennel or at a veterinarian office and came home with a dry hacking cough. Well if he has then it is possible that he contracted a respiratory infection called Kennel Cough.
Best Dry Puppy Food - What Makes a Brand Better?
How do you find the best dry puppy food?All puppy foods say they are the most natural or the best. What makes a brand better?
How to Train an Italian Greyhound to Use a Litter Box
Italian greyhounds are graceful and majestic dogs. They have an air of dignity and elegance most breeds do not possess and somehow they seem to know it. Yet, they come with one rather hefty drawback--they can be quite difficult to housetrain. With such little fur and thin frames, it is not surpris
Prevention of Stomach Flip in Dogs - These Easy Strategies May Save the Life of Your Best Friend
Let's take a look at the reasons for stomach flip in order to learn how to prevent its occurrence. Your dogs stomach has an enormous capacity to take in food, to stretch and grow to take in as much as possible.
Dog Training Tips - Training a Dog the Easy Way
Arrange greeting practice sessions. To work on greeting behaviors, set up practice sessions. To work on how your dog greets you, go in and out of the door four or five times. Ask for a sit on each greeting and reward your dog when he greets you politely.
The Best Dog Breeds for Working Long Hours
Basset hounds make good dogs for owners who work long hours.Duke Donovan image by Yana Luizo from Fotolia.comSome dogs make better pets for owners who work longer hours. Owners who are away for a major portion of the day should consider a dog based on his energy level, temperament and...