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Nutrition : Health & Medical

Get The Benefits Of The Acai Berry

Acai berry is the main ingredients in the products sold in is a website of a company named Monavie that was launched in early 2005 by a team of partners with extensive backgrounds in the direct selling industry and with health-related products.

How Alkaline Foods and pH Balance Affect Your Health

Alkaline foods, such as fruits and vegetables, help the body maintain a healthy pH balance. By consuming more of these healthy foods, while eliminating many acidic foods and beverages then overall health and energy levels increase.

Why Prepackaged Foods Aren't As Healthy As They Say

For many people, home cooking from scratch is not the way dinner is prepared each night. Rather a more familiar scene is popping a frozen meal into the microwave for a quick heat-and-eat lunch or dinner. Companies that manufacture these foods are not required to list every single ingredient put into

The Secrets Behind a Quality Wheatgrass Juicer

Following a huge popularity wheatgrass enjoys these days, one shouldn't be surprised at how many a wheatgrass juicer appears on the market. However, not all of them are created equal. These next few paragraphs ought ...

After School Snack Tips For Healthy Eating

When your child walks in the door after a long day at the school, it is standard for them to bolt straight for the kitchen for the all important after school snack. They may or may not smile or growl at you on the way by, but you need not block their path or you will suffer the consequence! A hungry

Kid's Nutrition

Good nutrition begins with the immune system and cells. Researched, proven nutrients designed especially for your child is best.Where can you find good nutrients and vitamins?

3 Day Detox Diet Plan

You are not going to have to starve yourself and if you follow the plan properly you will not even be hungry. You will though crave for things such as coffee and your favourite junk food but remember

Influence of Health Store in your life

Health stores provide us a wide range of health supplements to develop and improve our immune system. It's time to differentiate a drug store from a health store.

Pescatarianism - A Healthy Alternative to Vegetarianism Or Veganism

Within the last decade, Americans have really started to put a lot of thought into the foods they eat. Not only are people concerned with making sure they eat healthy foods to give their bodies plenty of nutrients, but they're also interested in making sure they consume foods that aren't f

Natural Constipation Relief

The digestive system is a marvel of engineering with up to 25 feet of small and large intestines coiled in our abdomen. In order to function properly it requires three things: water, fiber and exercise. If these essentials are not provided, the result is stagnation. The intestines can become compact

What You Need To Know About Organic Foods

Organic foods are any type of fruits, vegetables or animals that are unprocessed and unrefined, or that are grown and reared without the use of algaecides, herbicides, insecticides, bactericides, fungicides, antibiotics, antibiotics, growth hormones, or synthetic chemicals. Organic reared animals ar

Proleva For A Better Life

Proleva is a remarkable and special health supplement that has wonderful results even during the very first 7 days of usage. Being a physician I have a lot of people coming in for consultation and tel

Why Do People Worry About Cholesterol

Cholesterol was first isolated in 1769; it was found in bile and gallstones, and in 1833 cholesterol was found in blood, but it was not until the 20th century that there was any research into ...

Fill Your Diet With Fat Burning Foods

Dieting and weight loss go hand in hand. Everyone wants to lose weight, however conventional diet and weight loss can be difficult and time consuming. Most people become bored or lose the motivation t

Planning for an Effective and Healthy Weight Program

Although losing weight may require a whole lot of physical activity and exercise, being able to stay on that regimen takes so much more than that. Losing weight is a mental challenge as well.