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Healthy Living : Health & Medical
How to Gain Weight for a Low Carb Diabetic
Gaining weight can be challenging if you are a diabetic on a low-carb diet. If you are underweight and seeking to gain lean muscle mass in a healthful manner, then you will need to increase your calories from protein sources, not carbohydrates. It can be challenging to gain weight from protein and
The Effects of Acai Berry Supplements
The acai berry is a relative of the blueberry.blueberry image by Lucy Cherniak from Fotolia.comThe acai berry, pronounced "ah-sigh-ee," is native to the Amazon River region of South America. They are the berries of a tropical palm tree and, according to researchers at the University of...
How to Beat Body Odor With Natural Remedies
Body odor is one of the most aggravating problems many are faced with on a daily basis. While deodorant is an effective way of reducing the smell of body odor, there are many natural remedies for reducing the unpleasant odor of sweat. These remedies are easy to use and are quite effective when use
Ear & Nose Congestion Home Remedies
Ear and nose congestion can make your life somewhat miserable while the condition lasts. Congested ears make it difficult (even impossible) to hear conversations; you might hear popping or crackling noises; there might even be a little pain. Nasal, or nose, congestion makes it difficult to breath an
Fitness Plans for Children
It is a parent's responsibility to help keep children healthy.happy kids image by Marzanna Syncerz from Fotolia.comKeeping your children healthy is one of the most important things you can do for them. Their education, well-being and happiness can all depend on whether or not they are...
Navy Beans Nutrition
Navy beans are small, white beans that got their name from their time as a staple ingredient of the U.S. Navy, according to the website World's Healthiest Foods.
How to Naturally Treat Hepatitis through Diet
Making changes to the diet is one of the easiest ways to naturally treat Hepatitis. Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver and is usually caused by a Hepatitis, but can be caused by other factors such as toxins, medications, and infections. There are different types of Hepatitis, but Hepatitis tends
How Does a Habit of Overeating Develop?
A Symptom of a Deeper ProblemOvereating is the leading cause of the American pandemic of obesity, both childhood and adult. It is also a symptom of a whole range of psychological problems like depression and eating disorders. It may be partly the result of a common gene that controls how...
How to Treat Hypoglycemia With Alternative Remedies
Hypoglycemia occurs when your blood sugar is much lower than normal. If you are suffering from hypoglycemia, your blood glucose levels are not high enough to provide sufficient energy to the cells of your body. Causes of hypoglycemia include diabetes, thyroid disorders, stress, pregnancy, alcoholism
Low Fat Healthy Foods
Being low in fat isn't enough to make a food healthy. Healthy foods should contain valuable nutrients as well. Luckily, many naturally low fat foods are also nutrient-dense. To eat healthy, base your diet on these healthy low fat foods and add small amounts of fat for flavor.
Nutrition Value of Olive Oil
Olive oil has a reputation for being good for the body. In ancient times, olive oil was used to "cure" ailments. Now, olive oil is used for frying and flavor. Even though it is oil, olive oil can be a healthy part of your diet.
How to Find the P6 Pressure Point
The P6 pressure point--sometimes called the Inner Gate--is a place on the wrist that accupuncture and accupressure experts use to relieving nausea or motion sickness, according to accupressure expert Virpi Tervonen. Travelers prone to motion sickness and women experiencing nausea during childbirth c
Define Cholesterol
Cholesterol is a soft, wax-like substance that is a required building block of all cells in the human body. In addition to producing cell membranes, cholesterol is critical to the production of the hormones estrogen and testosterone as well as vitamin D and bile acids that assist in the proper diges
Side Effects of Lariam
Lariam, or mefloquine, is a prescription drug used to treat and prevent malaria. Malaria is a life-threatening parasitic infection, which can be transmitted by female mosquitoes. Lariam is not effective for all forms of malaria.
Metaphysical Properties of Paraiba Tourmaline
Paraiba tourmaline is a rare gemstone that is believed to have originated from Paraiba, Brazil. Paraiba tourmaline comes in a variety of colors in the blue and green range. It is unique because the stone contains small amounts of copper. The metaphysical healing properties of stones are based on the
Quality Of Life In Food Hypersensitive Schoolchildren And Their Families
Unexpectedly, some allergic responses were associated with improved health related quality of life measures for the child and family.
Southern Indiana Earthquake Safety
Southern Indiana has a history of minor or moderate earthquakes. Many of these events center on the New Madrid fault, which runs along the Mississippi River between Missouri, Kentucky and Illinois. Nevertheless, because the region experiences few earthquakes and is more famous for tornadoes, souther
How to Make Lens Cleaner
Store-bought lens cleaner for eyeglasses can be expensive. It's easy and economical to make your own cleaner. There are several inexpensive formulas, using items commonly found in your medicine cabinet or kitchen cupboard.
Health Effects of Persistent Organic Pollutants
Dry fish on a dish in the form of a fish image by terex from Fotolia.comPersistent organic pollutants are chemicals that were developed as insecticides or for industrial purposes. They linger for many years in water and soil and can be transmitted through air. When absorbed, they are...