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Healthy Living : Health & Medical
Health Effects of Taking a Sauna
Taking a sauna exposes your body to dry heat at very high temperatures. Saunas can have some positive health benefits for people. However, there are some potentially negative health effects associated with saunas, particularly for people with certain health conditions.
How to Measure a DBA Level
Ever been to a rock concert and had your ears ring for days? Ever woken up to a team of lawn mowers right outside your window with no plans of quieting down? Have you ever wondered exactly how loud these noises are, or how to measure these in decibels or DBAs? If you have, then keep reading.
What Are the Dangers of Teflon Skillets?
Cooking in a Teflon skillet might be a health hazard.p?¡éte ?? pancake 3 image by aline caldwell from Fotolia.comTeflon is a DuPont trademark. The chemical composition of Teflon includes a chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), a known environmental and health hazard. Teflon is...
How to Use a Sanitizing Bucket & Lid
When working in an environment that deals with food, it is of the utmost importance to adhere to proper sanitation techniques. Sanitizing kills harmful bacteria. Your most important tool when it comes to this is the sanitizer bucket. Any item that comes in contact with foods and utensils should be s
Health Safety Net Regulations
Health Safety Net helps people with low incomes pay for some necessary medical services.cost of healthcare image by Cindy Haggerty from Fotolia.comThe Health Safety Net (HSN) is a program designed to help people with low incomes pay for some medical services in Massachusetts. This program...
Alternatives to Burning Fossil Fuel
Solar power is a popular form of renewable panels image by MAXFX from Fotolia.comThere are advantages to using fossil fuels to produce energy. For example, a vast and sturdy infrastructure already exists to harvest, refine and convert them for electricity and transportation....
How to Consume 1200 Calories a Day
A 1200 calorie daily meal plan is an effective diet that will make you lose weight. Twelve hundred calories is not a lot and is almost certainly more than your current calorie intake. Since the calorie count is so small, it's difficult to stay on track each day while abiding by the 1200 calorie rule
How to Use an Ambu
In most health care settings, whether in a hospital or the back of an ambulance, there will be an ambu bag present. When a person has stopped breathing and is suffering respiratory distress, an ambu bag will be used to give breaths, particularly to an unconscious person. This is referred to as "bag
Day-by-Day Low-Sodium Diet
Our bodies need sodium, but too much sodium can lead to water retention, high blood pressure and other health problems. However, UCSF Medical Center says, we eat "about 20 times as much [sodium] as the body needs." Take a walk down the aisle at your local grocery store, then take a drive past all th
How to Fix a Textile Bug List in Drupal
Drupal Textile editing is an input format option on content-creation pages. It allows for "br," "ul" and other HTML tags. It also converts email and Web addresses to active hyperlinks on your Drupal site. The Textile module enables users to enter content using a simple syntax. The syntax is filtered
How to Fit in at Dragon Con
Dragon Con is Atlanta's biggest fantasy, comic and science fiction convention and, for newcomers, it can be a bit overwhelming. A Labor Day tradition since 1987, Dragon Con spans three of downtown Atlanta's hotels for a long weekend of geek-inspired panels, seminars, games, concerts, contests, demon
Food Combining for Health
Food combining is an approach to eating that involves separating specific foods at meal times for optimal absorption and improved digestive health. Proponents of food combining believe that some foods are not compatible with each other and eating them together will stress the digestive system. This
Home Remedies for Poison Ivy Reactions
An uncomfortable rash and painful irritation are signs of a poison ivy infection. The plant grows throughout the U.S.---an allergic reaction results when the oil of the plant, urushiol, comes in contact with skin. The plant generally grows on vines and on low shrubs; it can be identified by having t
What Is a Good Leader Vs. a Bad Leader?
Leadership is a somewhat intangible quality that is often easier to describe than practice. Good leadership depends on many factors, including the ability to motivate and listen to those around the leader. Leadership also comes in many forms, since a leader may be an officially appointed position at
What Are Three Ways Global Warming Is Affecting Our Health?
Global warming is largely accepted as a very real threat to mankind, thanks to the International Panel on Climate Change's 2007 report and the Stern report a year earlier. Both highlight the impact that climate change will have on the world around us, and in particular highlight how it will affect t