How to Fix a Textile Bug List in Drupal
- 1). Download Textile module from the Drupal website (see References for a link). Unzip the module files. Type "" in an Internet browser to see your site files. Replace the domain name with your actual site domain name. Go, in order, to the "Sites" folder, "All" folder and "Modules" folder. Drop the module files under the modules folder.
- 2). Log in to the Drupal site back end with your username and password. Click "Administer," "Site building" and "Modules" to see the installed modules. Locate Textile module and enable it by clicking it. Click "Save configuration."
- 3). Click "Content" and "Create content" to create a new content page. Select "Textile editing" in the input format option. Most of the HTML tags can be entered in the Web page.
- 4). Fix textile problems by using HTML character entities such as "&" (see Resources.) In fact, Textile module inserts most HTML tags such as "<p>" and "" automatically.