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Alternative Medicine : Health & Medical

Homeopathy is Powerful, Effective, Low Cost and Above All, Easy to Use at Home

Homeopathy is a natural and highly effective alternative health modality. If you know anything about homeopathy, you'll know how cost effective it is. Homeopaths ultimately do themselves out of a job - happily I may say - as they seek to permanently restore your health. You can also use homeopa

Leaky Gut Syndrome Treatment in Children

Natural treatment of leaky gut syndrome in children eliminates the root cause and relieves the child completely from all the symptoms. Since it ensures restoration of normal digestion process, the chi

5 Step Reiki Healing Practice Which Acts As an Instant Energizer

In good old days stress and strain were completely unheard of. The pace of life was much slower and nobody used to be worried about getting late for work or struck in traffic.The issue here is not just being late for work or getting held up in traffic. The issue is our energy levels getting dipped.

Is There A Solution To Very Dry Skin?

I get so many letters like yours. We have to remember that skin is a living, breathing, constantly changing organ. You can compare its structure to the layers of an onion. The outer layer, or epidermi

Discover How To Increase Your Height After Puberty

When trying to increase height, the first thing you should focus on is your spinal column. The spinal column is one of the key factors that decides a persons height. Studies have shown that the spinal

Reiki Levels - Getting The Timing Right

A lot of people are unsure when to take their next Reiki course. This article explains why much traditional advice given to students is both unhelpful and confusing - and gives you a method for workin

Natural Supplements To Cure Weak Eyesight Problem

One of the unique and effective natural eye vision supplements is I-Lite; it is one of the natural remedy and is the best one for those that want to improve eyesight. Its greatest asset is its unique formulation of herbs all put together in a single capsule.

Natural Cures For Tinnitus

What makes Tinnitus Miracle the single all-time best selling natural cures for tinnitus book in internet history with thousands of satisfied customers in 127 countries around the world? Tinnitus Miracle is the all-time online natural ...

Enjoy Life With Great Light Therapy Techniques

What is light therapy and what can it treat? Light therapy is an alternative form of medicine that is used to treat skin problems, sleep disorders, emotional instability (such as depression), and others. How does it work?

Natural Ways of Reducing High Blood Pressure

Are you suffering from high blood pressure? Constantly on pills and always holding yourself back to eat your favourite dish? Well, Systolex is all that you need this time. It is an effective method pr

Introducing The Geranium Essential Oil

The origin of the geranium plant or the Pelrgonium adoranitissimum (in Latin) can be traced to Africa. It reached Europe and other territories only around he 17th century. It is interesting to note that the only species from where you could extract geranium essential oil is the Geranium Robert or as

How to Use Buckeye for Health

Buckeye is the American version of the European horse chestnut tree. It blooms in late spring and produces white and orange flowers. Buckeye seeds mature into glossy brown nuts, bitter to the taste. Health benefits from buckeye stretch back to ancient European medicine, and the claim is that keeping

Brain Supplements For the Multi-Tasker

Ever try to do twelve things at once? Does your life seem to be a huge juggling act and all the balls seem to be ready to drop all at once? Why not look for brain supplements that will ease your stress?

Eft & Psycho-Somatic Problems

Emotional Freedom Techniques is an energy based psycho-therapeutic tool. It effectively deals with emotional, physical and psycho-somatic problems. Negative emotions are the root cause for most of the

The Basic Effects of Reiki Therapy

Reiki therapy involves a lot of elements in just about every alternative healing practice. This is because it uses spiritual healing, meditation, aromatherapy, naturopathy and homeopathy among others to make the person or another feel ...

Natural Insomnia Remedies to Improve Quality of Sleep

Insomnia is a symptom; it is not related with some diagnosis or disease. It may be the result of inadequate quantity or quality of a sleep. It is related with a sleepless night. Insomnia is ...

Flu Vaccines like FluzoneĀ® Help Halt the Spread of Influenza

Every flu season is different, and the flu should never be taken lightly. Each year flu-related complications kill more people than all vaccine-preventable diseases combined. For most people, getting immunized against influenza is the easiest ...

Liver Care Diet Suggested By Ayurveda

The diet for Jaundice and Liver diseases should aim to balance pitta dosha. Inclusion Diet As pitta will be elevated, diet should include those which help in cooling. As there is imbalance of agni diet should be an easy to digest one. Most fresh fruits are acceptable but exclude acid forming fruits.