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Alternative Medicine : Health & Medical

What Is Good Chiropractic Care?

"Chiropractic care is more than just making the pain disappear. It is about learning, understanding and taking care of your body to improve your quality of life." That quote comes from the website of The ...

Kidney Stone: Some Facts and Measures to Prevent Propensity

Stones form in kidneys primarily due to the gradual reduction of citric acid in the blood. This leads to the formation of a bond between calcium and oxalate, which we know usually as kidney stone. Again when uric acid increases in the blood, such solid mass of tiny crystals in the kidney may also fo

Do You Take Responsibility For Your Own Health?

Do you take responsibility for your own health or do you expect others to fix the problems you create? Good health can never come about from outside help. It can only happen when you're in charge, when you accept that only you are ultimately responsible for you.

Genital Wart Signs

Article is to describe the signs and symptoms of genital warts. There is a natual product for warts mentioned.

Athlete's Foot - Real Treatment For a Real Infection

Athlete's foot is occurring in millions of people at any given moment, and is a condition that most people are able to self-diagnose due to widespread knowledge of it's existence and symptoms. Although not necessarily seen in athletes, Athletes foot, or tinea pedis, is a skin infection cau

Buerger' s Disease - Definition, Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Buerger's disease is a rare autoimmune condition. It is characterized by a combination of acute inflammation and thrombosis (clotting) of the arteries and veins in the hands and feet. Buerger's disease is rare in the United States, but is more common in the Middle East and Far East.

Choosing Alternative Health Products for Your Children

You probably don't think of your children's vitamins as alternative health products. After all, even most pediatricians believe that every child should take a children's multivitamin daily to ensure that they are getting all of ...

An Understanding of the Healing Power Of The Mind

The mind is a very powerful tool in the process of healing disease. The author has presented a possible explanation of how it works using the knowledge gleaned from psychology, mind-body medicine and quantum physics. Using the concept of the placebo effect, the author extends the ideas to provide a

Chiropractic Care - Tips For Party People

Like to party? You'll find the best tips here to recover with ease Sometimes life can be an endless stream of parties and festivities, Coogee Chiropractor Dr Michael Cohen, has a list of tips to ...

Osteopathy For Back Pain Suffers

When you experience back pain symptoms, you should never turn a blind eye towards them. Most people don't know that is the leading cause of disability in people under 45. However,any other pain associated with ...

Basic Oral Chelation

Chelation is a very simple and basic concept that can be used as a beneficial therapy. What it basically does is remove the buildup of toxic heavy metals in the body.

Water Pollution Sources And Its Effect On Human Health

Water pollution is caused by the mixing of the sewage water, toxic chemicals, and industrial effluents along with the drinking water. It is one of the most commonly observed problems in developing cou

The Sinusitis Hearing Connection

Do you suffer from hearing loss or ear pains when your sinuses flare-up? It's not your imagination. There is a connection between your sinuses and ears. If you suffer from sinusitis hearing problems, here's the information that should help you out.

Awaken From Inside and Raise Your Self Esteem.

Every person in this world talks to his or her own self regardless of what the problem or the situation is. We as humans manage to complicate even the smallest of the things and then ...

Unani Medicine: Treatment and Scope - A Walk-Through

Unani Medicine - Basic Things to Know Unani is a form of traditional medicine. It is rapidly growing as a glamorous means of alternative medicine. These days, people are highly concerned about the side effects ...