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Addiction & Recovery : Health & Medical

Quit Smoking Methods - Which Ones Work

Are you thinking about quitting smoking? Are you looking for something to help you quit? Don't let all the different methods frustrate you. Find out which ones will work best for you.

Vital Points to Consider When Selecting Drug Rehab

It is vital that you gather as much drug rehab information as you can before making any decisions. Remember that a good rehabilitation program is the key towards full drug recovery.

The Primary Motivation to Quit

Lighting up a stick of cigarette is something very easy for one to do. In fact, many have found it their best companion when they are stressed.

How to Quit Smoking Fast

If you are looking for ways to quit smoking fast, check out this article. This articles outlines some tips that you can implement quickly and easily.

Smoking During Pregnancy - How it Effects Your Baby

Many mothers-to-be struggle with the idea of continuing their smoking habit during pregnancy. On one hand, they don't want to hurt their baby. But on the other hand, they have this very ingrained habit which they have used as a coping mechanism for daily life...

The Benefits Of The Top Electronic Cigarettes

E-Cigarette kits can usually be bought to include flavored e-liquid, so smokers come to find their choice for top electronic cigarettes after trying a few flavors and strengths; and also eliminating those cons that are in the back of their minds.

Quitting is hard – Not quitting is harder…

There are millions of people smoking and a good percentage of those people would like to stop, but they can't. Why they can't? I know it is hard they always say I will stop and ...

The American Heartland's Declining Drug Abuse

Iowa with its rolling hills of fertile black dirt producing acre after acre of prairie grass, corn and a host of other products consumed by the rest of America has something to be proud these days. Regrettably these same farmlands were a hotbed of clandestine meth lab activity few years ago. Now, Io

Use The Easiest Way: Quit Smoking Now

The thing about the term "Easiest way quit smoking" is that 'easiest' could just mean, 'least hard,' as there are so many different methods, it makes sense that some are harder than others. However, I do believe there are easy ways to quit smoking, in fact I know this t

Saying No to Alcohol and Drugs-Topic Overview

Giving up alcohol or drugs is tough. Alcohol is part of many traditions and is often served at parties and other functions. And although many drugs are illegal or legal only with a prescription,people may offer them to you. If you're in a situation where someone is offering you alcohol or ...

Drug Rehabilitation - A Path to Recovery

If you or someone you love is suffering from a drug addiction, know that there are solutions. Checking into a drug rehab center for a drug or alcohol abuse problem is the best way to overcome a drug addiction problem for good. Professionals who work in a drug treatment center help with the recovery

How to Avoid Gaining Weight When You Quit Smoking

A lot of smokers go through bouts of wanting to quit, but they fear the possible weight gain that may occur. Gaining weight can lead to a whole other set of health problems.Those who fear gaining weight abandon their thoughts of quitting their smoking habit.


A quit smoking journal is a powerful tool that can reinforce your resolve to stop smoking. Consider making the first entry in your journal a list of the reasons you have to quit smoking.

Heroin Withdrawal

Heroin is one of the most lethal illegal drugs in existence. Heroin accounts for the highest incidents of drug-related deaths in the country. Heroin can be immediately addicting, and it is one of the hardest and most dangerous drugs to stop using.

Quitting Smoking? Body Cleansing Advice for Afterwards

The body is very forgiving to smokers. It naturally attempts to repair damage caused to the tissues after a person quits smoking .While nicotine is cleared from the body quicker, the 4,000 added carci